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Posts posted by smp2010

  1. I am suggesting that as a timeline, the immigration attorney should be able to shed insight on the steps to take to make sure he can retain his legal status, that lawyer will and should suggest if he should deal with the divorce first. My thought, and although I am not a lawyer either, that in the end you deal with what you wish to retain in the end first. The bad wife is certainly the first thing I would want to cross off the list, but my thoughts are that can happen down the line, and the more bad facts that you can chalk up against her (and that could take time) will end up saving you in the long run. Either way, get off this board of people that really don't know and consult with people that do. Watch out for unethical lawyers(here in America there are plenty of them willing to milk you dry, then they usually move on to politics, but that is a whole other story) and get this dealt with correctly. Again best of luck. You really don't want to have to return to Sweden.

  2. I would speak to a lawyer regardless asap, first an immigration lawyer then a divorce lawyer, but only after the first has told you the steps to take. Do hire a PI to get the info that you will need to unburden yourself. Again forget about the apartment etc, the meat and potatoes is the green card then the ditching of the awful spouse without too much damage. Best of luck...

  3. You need to get some form of proof that she was cheating, a private investigator can get what you need. That will help you in nullifying alimony. Also get a proven immigration attorney to help you get the status straight with your green card. there is nothing that says you have to stay married to what sounds like a borderline personality nutter. Life in America is also about the pursuit of happiness not the prison of a horrible abusive marriage. My prayers for you brother. If you need a link or two just ask, there are plenty of support areas for someone like yourself.

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