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Posts posted by Ethiolove13

  1. No. He kept asking him to tell him the different phone numbers I use to call him and of course he only knows one number, the only number I call him from and the rest of the numbers that showed up was the local numbers I used when I use the phone cards so that was the major thing. But calling to Ethiopia directly is so expensive and on top of that my fiancée had all other evidences, personal emails etc that the counselor just chose not to look through.

  2. Hello,

    Its my first post here but let me start explaining my situation. I met my fiance while vacationing in my home country in Addis Ababa. I visited him three times after we met and we fell inlove and last decemeber we got engaged. I hired an immigration attorney, filled out all the paper work. Everything went smoothly until the interview. My fiance was scheduled for his interview on 12/30/14. The counselor interviewed my fiance for about 4-5 minutes and flat out DENIED him visa because he did not belive we were in a bon-fide relationship and suspected that it is for an immigration benefit . Based on my fiance, the conselor did not even look through the pictures, emailes and birthday cards and all the numrious evidences we have but instead he looked into my fiancee's phone records and I use phone cards to call him so of course my phone number does not show so the consulor used that as the basis for denial.

    I had my immigration lawyer write a letter to the embassy requesting the case be reviewed by senior officer, I also wrote a letter to the embassy. I contacted two senators and have them contact the embassy as well. I know there is almost no chance of reversing the consulates decision but does anyone else have experience with the embassy in Addis, any suggestions? its highly unlikely the embassy will response to our requests but we are waiting for a response the embassy might write to the senators before we consider other options like start the process over again, If you could please share your experience on the next step and if the application ends up being sent to USCIS is it better to cancel it and start new application then wait a lifetime for USCIS to respond and say it has expired. Thank you in advance for all your help!

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