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Posts posted by BenjaB

  1. Hi,

    I just had my ceremony of naturalization happening 2 weeks ago, fantastic.

    I wanted to bring many more details to what Galavanter wrote (thank you so much by the way, veryseful), up until the ceremony starts. Tip: park in the SMALL parking lot on Hope Street and Pico. It costs $7. The BIG one across that small one costs $10.

    When one arrives at the LACC, signing is quite deficient, not much to show you where it is happening and how to find your way. My wife, on her own, had quite some difficulty to find the correct hall. No checking at all outside the LACC; if you arrive around 7-7:15AM, it's pretty empty outside (staff or fixtures barely present).

    Once inside the LACC, signing is OK, not great but Ok.

    You go up through an escalator in the back of hall, on your right (there maybe some food store there, not further) and then you get to a HUGE room, where applicants continue further and guests go on the right (no document check; they are on their own, just to check bags, metal stuff). There are maybe 5 rows for guests and let's say 20 rows for applicants. Go to the row that seems to be the shortest, not the first rows, also try to choose a row where it's the most men (men don't have handbags to check). That row can take 10 to 20 minutes to pass.

    Afterward, you go on your left to a room even BIGGER where all the chairs are (it's chairs, not comfy seats, with narrow space on the sides). There, basically 2 or 4 rows to wait in line to get to a chain of numbered tables against a wall. There too, go to the table with least long line, to present FINALLY your N-400 form and green card. They tell you a table # to go back to when ceremony is over. That table wil have your certificate(s) (citizen and name change, if applicable).

    Once they stamp the Greencard (bye bye Greencard!), you have to go on your right to access the seating area. There, you may be able to go the farthest possible, still on your right (since you left the numberred tables), depends where the staff people is and if they give you direction where to go or no. The goal is to go as much as possible on your right and in the front of the hall (close to the ceremony stand), this way, you will be told to go the EARLIEST. At 7:30AM-7:40AM when I sat there were just 200-300 people seating (2,500 to 3,500 in total I think, came). It gets very HOT once the hall is filled with people, even though it was mid-December. No air conditionning. I advise taking off one's jacket.

    Ceremony started (late) at 9:08am that day of 12/19/2014. Memorable time. Speakers were not that great sorry.Ok it's not a show. I felt however that people around me were not motivated. Almost no one looked at folder they gave us, a shame. No tears I saw (I got watery eyes). If you don't like this country, its democraty, its values, then it's not your home, don't come to only take benefits from it! I am proud and happy to be a US citizen!

    That day it was NOT possible to give over completed passport application on site (announced only in the final hall, not before), so don't think you will necessarily get that done that day.

    Walk as fast as you can once you are dismissed, this way you will get in less traffic or parking jam. You get to pass by the escalator again, with kind of a standing ovation, nice.

    Outside, you will find 2 small tents for voting registration but if you already gave inside, at end of ceremony, the vote form then there is NOTHING else you can do at hese 2 tables. Take a picture with real human size picture with Reagan or Obama. The Republican tent was almost bare of decoration (they were packed in large plastic bag, still!), just 2 young blondish & discreets students. The Dems tent had more decoration and some older youth shooting "Democratic party, democratic party, register to vote!" Frustrating... but my wife took picture of me with the president of my choice ad I was very happy!

    Good luck to all and enjoy the ceremony!

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