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Posts posted by AlejandroNava

  1. Hi guys i just wanna ask about my fiancè's previous marriage.. so here's the story.

    My fiance got married in Singapore on 2007, on 2008 she lost communication with her hubby. In short, they've been separated from 2008 till now. But their marriage which took place in Singapore wasnt registered in Philippines. So in short, the marriage is invalid. And in my petition, she didnt indicated about the previous marriage since she can provide a Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from the Philippines.

    Question is, would that be a problem or will the marriage be will be traced?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. From your fiance in the Philippines you will need a completed G-325A, Letter of Intent to Marry and 2X2 passport photo (U.S. format)... all must be originals.

    yes and G-1145, all complete. i also have to complete G-1145 and G-325a right?

  3. It is NOT needed when filing the I-129F with USCIS.

    The CENOMAR is required at the embassy for the actual visa application later.

    Your timeline is blank so I am guessing you are just starting this process. Follow the GUIDE here on VJ for the I-129F (blue bar at the top of the page)

    Yeah, my fiance from the Philippines will send me the forms on Friday so i can send the packet on Monday.. THank you

  4. example - I flew to the Philippines on such and such a date, "fiancee name" met me at the airport "or" I caught a bus/taxi/airplane to where my fiancee lives ..... bla.. bla... bla

    You can mention you first met online and then in person.

    If you need more space, write SEE ATTACHMENT in item 34a, then use a separate sheet of paper with the heading "34a" and write your "how we met story" there

    thank you sir

  5. What statement of history are you talking about? There is none required. For the I-129F petition there is a requirement of having met in person within the past two years, for that you need evidence showing this which is done with passport stamps, copies of boarding passes, pictures together and so on. Also for the I-129F there is a question that ask how you two met, tell it like it was - sweet and simple gets

    34.a of I-129f

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