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Posts posted by best_predator

  1. Hi all,

    My wife and I are going through the process of changing her status in US after we got married. We simultaniously filed for i485,i130,i131,i765. We filed these documents under her married name. This new married name completely takes out her Brazilian maiden surname. For example Maria Silva Dos Santos became Maria Smith in US after marriage/immigration process. If I understand correctly she cannot take out her last name completely under Brazilian law(discovered late).

    Couple of questions arise from this:

    1) When she gets her AP under her married name, travels abroad, and comes back to US and she presents her passport with her maiden name, AP with her married name, and marriage certificate, will this be sufficient to prove she is one and the same person on the passport and on AP?

    2) Is she required to register her marriage and change her name in the passport in Brazil or Brazilian consulate?

    3) As mentioned I don't believe she cannot take out her maiden name completely under Brazilian law. If she is required(or highly advised, to avoid some trouble in the future) to change her name in Brazilian passport, can she legally change it to Maria Silva Dos Santos Smith on Brazilian passport, connecting her name in America (Smith) while staying in accordance with law in Brazil?

    4) Has anyone done this process differently or has other advice for us?

    Thank you!

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