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Posts posted by MustafaG

  1. Simon,

    I didn't mind what you or Hank said. You made a perfectly legitimate point, and doing so again. You are quite right in pointing out factual stats as they apply to Iran cases. It is not helpful however to talk about Muslim terrorism and the fears of US against all Iranians when that is not the point. From my trolling of other Forums, I have found that the usual case for putting Iranians on AP stems from two main sources. the main one being if the applicants were employed by the Iranian Government at any point particularly if they served in the armed forces, which given the fact that all men are forced to do National Service and the Government being the largest employer in the country, usually translates to a high percentage of AP cases and also the police certificates are not available from Iran. The second main cause of AP is the lack of funds. A lot of Iranians put cash in the bank a few weeks before the interview, and then get a statement, and withdraw the funds soon after. To prevent this, the Embassy asks for further proof of income and sponsors etc. I have also now come across quite a few winners who lived outside of Iran from childhood, living in Canada and Europe, who have had their interview last year and even this year, and were approved on the day. So that seems quite reassuring. It seems that it is really the poor saps who live under the Iranian dictatorship who are given the hard time. If you take a look at my original question, it was really about whether the number had a chance of becoming current or not. I wasn't soliciting opinions about Americas views on terror and why all Iranians are considered a threat despite never having one Iranian national carry out any attacks, (The Sidney guy was a nut job and not a terrorist). The question you asked was valid as to why I thought I will not get put on AP. I still might, but nothing I can do about that, but then to make unsolicited point about radical Muslims is just pointless and unhelpful. What was that supposed to do? Make me say, "yes what is the point? lets not bother?"

  2. Thanks Susie, but that is the chance everybody takes. Nothing is for certain. My main worry was not even getting the interview given my high number. A lot of Iranians who have never been to US and only become current in August still make it through. Looking through Iranian Forums, at other people's comments, it seems that the majority of delays/ rejections are to do with lack of funds, or delays in FBI check for younger guys. I've seen a lot who did clear AP in a week or two. Iran still fills up their 7% allocation every year despite all the issues. If the US wanted to err on the side of caution, it would make Iran illegible since there is more that 50,000 immigrant to US annually from Iran under other visas, but they make a special case by allowing them to enter the lottery. A unique privilege denied to so many other countries such as UK. Iranian government may not have a good relation with the rest of the world, but no Iranian people have been involved in acts of terrorism unlike those from other countries in that area. So I'm hoping that the visa officer is less a bit less one dimensional!

  3. Well I suppose the reason I'm not too worried about the AP is that although I was born in Iran, I am not an Iranian citizen and have lived in Europe since the age of 16. I have travelled many times to the US and my fingerprints are on file. I understand that the AP for Iranian citizens takes longer since they must pass FBI clearance as the police check certificates are not accepted by the US government. Since I can produce police check certificates and have been to the US frequently, I am hoping that my clearance should be ok. I also have plenty of cash and other assets so proving non reliance on government shouldn't be a problem which is another issue for Iranians as they often have to rely on affidavit of support from friends and relatives which again takes time to checkout for authenticity. My medical records and vaccination are all from Europe and so are my degree and other qualifications. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that the VO is not going to put me on AP. I am also going to the local embassy and not Ankara or Dubai so I should in theory at any rate be subject to the same checks as other citizens of EU. Do you think that is a fair assumption?

  4. Thanks Sam,

    That's good to know. Not so worried about the AP. My main concern was not even getting an interview. There has been a lot of discussions where it was mentioned that Nepal and Iran are special case and may have early cut off, although that wasn't the case for Iran last year or the year before. What I'm still not sure about is when my case number becomes current (say around July) is that the time that I should expect the interview or will it be another couple of months AFTER the case becomes current? That is the time line that is not clear for me. If anyone has had that experience (especially from Iran) and can share, I would be grateful.Is it going to be a couple of weeks after becoming current or a couple of months, between becoming current and actually having the interview? I don't mean being notified of the date, actually having the interview, or does it depend on the embassy? Also would the fact that I submitted my DS260 in December make any difference given that the number isn't going to be current for at least 6 months? Any insight would be appreciated.



  5. Hi everyone,

    My CN is AS000085xx. I understand that this is a very high number for Iran, where I come from. I have just submitted my DS260, so far no expenses. But I would like to know if I have any chance of going all the way to the finish line? According to the previous year visa bulletin the number came up in July, but I have been told Iran is special case and may not get that high, or even if the number comes up the interview will be in two months time which is September. Should I spend any money getting my documents translated and get vaccination, or just save my money and not bother?

    Thanks for any help.


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