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Posts posted by jeff928

  1. Hi everyone -

    My wife was adopted from Ukraine about 10 yrs ago. She has a sister (28 yrs old) and niece (8 yrs old) still living in Ukraine. We have tried on two different occasions to get them a tourist visa to visit us here in America (once was for our wedding). Both times they have been denied within minutes after their arrival at the interview (makes us just feel like we are throwing money away trying).

    Is there any hope in trying again? She has a decent job and a house and has been married for 3 yrs now. Is there no chance of them getting a tourist visa due to a "flight risk" (especially given the turmoil in Ukraine/Russia these days)?

    Would our best hope be to file the I-130 and wait 10-15 years to allow them to immigrate here? Any other (decent) options?

    Thank you so much for your help in advance!

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