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Posts posted by aryeh&shana

  1. one of my friends was in the same situation. She was American and he was mexican. As the papers were taking so long and the possibility of being together for when the baby was going to arrive was impossible. She applied to be an expat. She got the position and moved to France when she was 8 months pregnant. They were together for the birth and for raising the baby. It worked for them, I don't know if it can work for other couples/situation.

    Good luck!

    My wife have a job in US and a good health system. We thinked about meet in Canada for the birth, but we would have to spend a lot of money on the hospital.

    But thank you anyway :-).


  2. Hi, I'm Brazilian/Israeli citizen and my wife is American. We lived together for some time but she had to come back to her job in the US (she tooked 1 year non-paid vacation). We applied for the marriage visa.
    The NVC received our IV docs on January 14. But today we received an email saying that it could take 60 days to them to review our docs. So we think it would take around 4 months to get my visa and come to US.
    Our problem is that she's around 5 months pregnant and I we want to be together for our daugthers birth.

    So, can we ask priority to our case on NVC?

    Would be good to ask for an tourist visa to be with my wife for the birth?

    Thank you guys! Its stressing us very much.

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