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m & mart

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Posts posted by m & mart

  1. Hello

    I've posted a topic before on our k1 process. We're currently waiting for the lawyer to check the papers further to see if nothing is missing.

    Meanwhile, my fiances family have a big gathering, his mother invited me to visit during this mid term break ( i go to uni) it's only for 9 days and i'd stay with her.my fiance will not be there unfortunately cause he's in the army and his family is in another state.

    I've applied before for a b2 ,yet got denied (214 b) i told them the truth, i was visiting my boyfriend.

    On my form and during my interview what shall i say exactly, Since im not gonna see my fiancé!?

    Thank you

  2. Just make sure to keep a running file of your communications with each other then when you get to interview you'll have it all ready to go :) The ring is handy too!

    They can't penalise you for the fact that they wouldn't give you a tourist visa to visit - the fact that you applied is just further evidence to back you up.

    So don't worry about it too much, and good luck!

    thank you very much (F)

  3. hello :)
    so my fiancé is in the US army, we were not able to meet for a while because of his job and my family, i've also applied for a tourist visa but i said i'm visiting my boyfriend so it was denied. until recently, they gave him only 6 days to visit me and he did :) in october. . unfortunately the flights were long and we only spent 4 days together! we did not go places or take many pics , we have like 15 pics together and with the family .

    we have everything ready and we're gonna send the packet the 18 th of december, but i'm really worried that it's not enough, the time he spent here and the pics. but it really wasn't up to us :/
    has anyone before applied with a similar case ?

    thank you

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