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Posts posted by Sorelle

  1. Thanks everyone for the advice and for your support :) It's going to be more involved than I thought :( but good to have others who have been down this difficult and twisted road to chat with! Sooooooo....my poor husband is beside himself at the news that it could take up to a year, as are we. As far as the taxes go, in Egypt all the schools I worked in paid us cash monthly with no invoice or statement as to earnings, so I wonder how this will work with the IRS?? Also, the Egyptian pound is 7 to the dollar so, when I do the math I didn't make much which is not going to help me when it comes to establishing my ability to prove I can support us. I'm literally starting over here which sucks because it only delays the process further. I haven't had a chance to check out the guides section yet but will do so ASAP! Thanks again to all of you for your help! I wish all of us the best :)

  2. I lived and worked in Egypt for 2 years. I was married to my Egyptian husband in September, returned to the US in December, but he is still in Egypt.....obviously, or I wouldn't be on this site! I have extensively reviewed the criteria for bringing him here and am feeling overwhelmed, as I'm sure we all are. My biggest issue now is that I worked abroad for 2 years and have only been here 3 days so there is no proof of income to show for the affidavit of support. I need him here to help get established again, but that is the catch 22. I want the aid of an attorney on this, but, once again, that requires money. Ugh!! I just don't know where to begin. Any advice???

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