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Posts posted by mafcs

  1. SLEC didn't give you vaccine maybe it's because of your rabies shot...

    yeah when I got the chance to ask that is what they told me so I have to get my vaccine on April, and they assured me that there will be no problem.

    I just hope that next time they will explain it without the patient asking. The doctor who asked me was too busy talking to other staff giving her "pamasko"

    anyway at least I got what I needed without any problem.

    thanks everyone who answered my inquiry. Best of luck everyone and I hope you enjoy your holidays :)

  2. Hi!

    I finished my medical today and during the immunization interview I was asked of series of questions like the others, the doctor saw my injection mark (the injection I got when I was a kid and cannot remember the type of vaccine), I also told them that I got a couple of rabies shot last month because I was bitten by a stray cat but I wasn't able to show them my records because I didn't have it. After the interview the doctor put "no vax" on my receipt.

    I am not sure if that is normal because most thread I read here got at least one shot.

    Hope someone can share their experience if SLEC didn't give you any vaccines.

    thanks in advance

  3. Yes Mr Hank I am aware of that, it wasn't intentional. I was actually messing around the ustraveldocs site and thought that i can print a form about the pick up preference of the visa after the interview. I guess due to sleep deprivation for days I didn't realize immediately what I was doing haha. Thank you for confirming!

    How long did you wait after you sent the letter of readiness to the us embassy for your interview schedule?did you receive via email?

    what do you mean?

    J4rom oh no I picked the same day because the eraliest dates available are Dec 17 and 23. Besides I am not ready, I am still preparing for my medical exam. Best of luck to both of us!

  4. I am a CR1 visa applicant, just want to confirm that I don't need to schedule an interview date at the ustraveldocs website, is that correct?

    I, for some reason scheduled an interview there even if the NVC sent me an email about my interview date, and if I cancel the interview schedule I set on the website I am hoping that it won't cause me any problem.

    thank you for those who will respond to my inquiry.

  5. I am a CR1 visa applicant, just want to confirm that I don't need to schedule an interview date at the ustraveldocs website, is that correct?

    I, for some reason scheduled an interview there even if the NVC sent me an email about my interview date, and if I cancel the interview schedule I set on the website I am hoping that it won't cause me any problem.

    thank you for those who will respond to my inquiry.

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