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Posts posted by Nnnniii

  1. Thanks all. I tried to fill the form today and have a couple of questions. The USCIS instruction ask us to put N/A for questions that does not apply to us. But if you don't have any children do you fill N/A to the first one of the last name or just keep filling N/A for all of them? There are about 2 pages worth-up to child #5.

    Also if I don't have a middle name do I leave it blank or put None?

  2. I have had a conditional marriage based GC for about 1&half years now. Went abroad 3 times and every time I came back I used a kiosk at US custom but 3 out of 3 times my receipts had a big X on it and I ended up in a long line for the old style custom with an actual person.

    Anyone has problem like this?

    The reason I can think of is 1. My passport and air tickets have maiden name but the GC is in married name.

    2 . I can never get the scan to work on my finger prints at the first attempt. I usually have to make several attempts to make it work and at the end I'm not even sure if it worked at all or it just gave up on me. All I get is the receipt with a big X on it.

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