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Posts posted by marias

  1. my husbands visa was denied and they told him he would not be eligible until January 15, 2008. well

    its been awhile and they denied him because of smoking on January 15, 2005. thats what they told him.

    anyway, january will be coming around again soon. i would like to know if i will need to start the whole process

    over. we had applied for the Cr1 and i dont know what my next step should be. i wrote to the embassy

    and they said he is not eligible until that date but they did not give me any other information. i emailed

    again and i didnt get a reply. i would appreciate any help i can get on this.

  2. Heeeeelllll NO, NOT "NEW" female friends !!!!!

    quote name='luvtravlin' date='Apr 13 2007, 03:38 PM' post='836884']

    he cant have friends.

    so do you have male friends or is that out to. is there a trust issue between the two of you. at this stage in your life you should be able to have a better understanding that you cant control a person. if he tells you that when you meet someone you cant be friends with them. then how r u feeling. maybe he is hiding it from you because you have such a issue about him having a female friend. if you meet a man do you always want to have a relation with him other than friends. im not trying to side with him on anything but only to look at it objectively and see why you may be having this problem. if you try to keep him controlled dont you think you will push him away. if you make him feel like he is a child. if he is looking for another woman then thats another thing. thats something you wont be able to control either.

    all the best to you and i hope you work things out with your husband. i know you are feeling unappreciated but hang in there.

  3. I don't like the "you know how they are" comment. My husband is not like that. Never has been. There are many, many good Jamaican men out there. If he's a dog, he's a dog....call it like it is. If he wants to have "friends" he needs to move along. Otherwise, he is in a committed relationship and he needs to shape up.

    Also wanted to comment on the deportation comment that came about because of Luv's post. If we were talking about an American man and an American woman and she said she was going to toss him out to the curb, there would not be this discussion. Same thing. If he needs to go, he needs to go. If that means he stays in the US or hightails it back to Jamaica, that is up to him. She is threateing to boot him out the door cause living together is looking like it is not a viable option anymore.

    I don't think you are whining, Kelly. I think you are just telling it like it is.

    i dont know if your comment was directed toward me. but really i dont see that her relationship has to be over because he has friends. i dont think he has to be a dog either because he wants to have friends. maybe they need to have a better understanding about having outside relationships. he is a committed relationship... What does that mean? Does that mean she owns the rights to him and he cant have friends.

  4. I don't agree. We all know the trials and tribulations of this truly difficult and long process. It isn't only the Jamaican who gives up everything they know. I have had to rearrange my life more times then I like to count during this process. As I expected Jomo to do everything he could along the way to make it go smoothly, I still expect the same. I expect his love and attention. I expect him to adjust. I expect him to work hard. And, I expect him to respect me and work out our differences in an adult manner. I would be babying him if I didn't. He is a man, not a child. I don't baby him.

    I have to agree whole heartedly with this :thumbs:

    While I do have grace, patience and compassion for all the adjustment and changes that are going to be happening I still expect him to behave as a man and not a child. I expect him to handle things maturely and to act as the head of our household. Life isn’t easy not matter what situations are thrown your way but it is still your choice how you react and respond. I signed up to be the wife not the mommy.

    AMEN SISTAS!! :thumbs:

    Hello everyone, its been along time since i have posted anything on VJ. There maybe be some people who remember me. My husband was denied last year for marijuana and wont be eligible until 2008. My message is to nannygirl really. Because i know you are going through a difficult time right now and it seems to be the worst time of your life. But during the time that you were not with your husband he was doing his own thing. The thing you have to look at is how well did you know him before you married him. The other thing is when you wanted to marry a jamaican man did you realize how they are. Of course you probably want the whole one on one deal. But men are always looking for new fish to fry. Not all men of course but some of them. So now you have to settle yourself in for the ride. I wouldnt say throw it all away because of one incident. Just know that this is just the beginning and what he was doing in jamaica he is still doing. I dont want to sound insensitive to your issue not by far. Im only saying that you are going to fly with it or be miserable with out your man. So keep your head up and just do what you have to do.

  5. all the best to you and wifey with your interview. everything will work out you will have her with you soon. Blessings.

    Thanks for the well wishes again. I leave for JA Saturday morning. Hopefully the little snow we are expecting won't cause any delays. Tuesday Interview III Revenge of the Rasta. :)

    Welcome to the new Yardies, and a word of warning. Make sure your significant other will pass a drug test for weed. And make your they never admit to using it... ever.

    We're all pulling for you two :yes:

    I really admire your determination and resilience because I'm sure it wasn't easy to hang in there and try to file again after testing positive for ganga.

    May the Lord be with you two and all the best (L)

    Welcome Jlvr

    No it hasn't been at all. If not for the support of my company, I don't think I would have made it this far.

  6. Hi Eric, thanks for your reply. this is for the CR1 and they told him he could not apply again until 2009. he said the gave him a letter about how to appeal. i dont understand how does the waiver work? i am planning on going down in a couple of weeks. so i would like to see what i can do on this end first before i leave. will the waiver help him to come. thanks

    I find the fact they gave him a letter explaining how to appeal promising, I think the first step is finding out what the letter says. Back in 2004 there was no options.

    The waiver should help, unless there is some kind of time period you must appeal in, I'd make sure he was clean before proceeding.

    I did hear of a couple with Jamaican government connections getting past this last year, I don't know the details.

    Of course that's another card in my deck. A good friend of mine is a longtime friend of the PM elect in JA. I'm going to try to attend the inauguration.

    i think they give him time for the appeal is my understanding. would i have to file another I130 too. this is costly for all these filings. yea, its good to know people alright. I wish you well on your interview. its very hard being separated. we have already done that you know. but he would have to have it out of his system before going to deal with the doctor again. that is true. ok i will let him know what you told me. peace

  7. Hi Eric, thanks for your reply. this is for the CR1 and they told him he could not apply again until 2009. he said the gave him a letter about how to appeal. i dont understand how does the waiver work? i am planning on going down in a couple of weeks. so i would like to see what i can do on this end first before i leave. will the waiver help him to come. thanks

  8. hey people, i posted this over again. i thought i would be coming back on here with some good news. but im not, my husband failed because the blood test found weed in his system. so i have no idea what is next. and thats were things are right now. im still in disbelief after all this time. ok later. thanks for asking anyway..what advice do you have on this?

  9. hey people, i thought i would be coming back on here with some good news. but im not, my husband failed because the blood test found weed in his system. so i have no idea what is next. and thats were things are right now. im still in disbelief after all this time. ok later. thanks for asking anyway..

  10. Goodnight, and respect to all the yardies here that are coupling and linkin up. My husband is on the

    last part of his journey. He have his medical exam to do and still he dont have all of his shot it seems.

    Does anyone know were he can get them done before he go to the embassy doctor. he has been told

    that the rest of his shot will cost him 7000ja. So if you know anything let me know about it. thanks & peace to everybody stay strong.

    I'm not exactly sure where he can go. It depends on where he lives. I would check to see if they have a health dept. in his area. Also, if he can't find one, they will give him all the shots he needs at his medical appt. You will just have to pay a little bit more possibly.

    Best wishes on your interview!!

    thanks i have two post here maybe someone can take one out. im lost today.

  11. I'm not exactly sure where he can go. It depends on where he lives. I would check to see if they have a health dept. in his area. Also, if he can't find one, they will give him all the shots he needs at his medical appt. You will just have to pay a little bit more possibly.

    Best wishes on your interview!!

    its seems that is how it goes ;) hopefully he will be st8 after all this and can fly home to me. (L) thanks

    Together for your reply

  12. Goodnight, and respect to all the yardies here that are coupling and linkin up. My husband is on the

    last part of his journey. He have his medical exam to do and still he dont have all of his shot it seems.

    Does anyone know were he can get them done before he go to the embassy doctor. he has been told

    that the rest of his shot will cost him 7000ja. So if you know anything let me know about it. thanks & peace to everybody stay strong.

    I'm not exactly sure where he can go. It depends on where he lives. I would check to see if they have a health dept. in his area. Also, if he can't find one, they will give him all the shots he needs at his medical appt. You will just have to pay a little bit more possibly.

    Best wishes on your interview!!

  13. Goodnight, and respect to all the yardies here that are coupling and linkin up. My husband is on the

    last part of his journey. He have his medical exam to do and still he dont have all of his shot it seems.

    Does anyone know were he can get them done before he go to the embassy doctor. he has been told

    that the rest of his shot will cost him 7000ja. So if you know anything let me know about it. thanks & peace to everybody stay strong.

  14. the IV packet says you need to have the medical exam 7 days prior to the interview. so call in advance to get a appt. they can be pretty booked at embassy doctors. thats what my husband found out. i dont have the number for Mobay but i will post it later when i find it.

    Hope Medical in MoBay

    Andrews Memorial Hospital in Kingston (926-7401-3)

    Dr Banbury in Kingston (908_2123)

  15. Good Afternoon to all,

    Is there anyone filing cr1/ir1 through the Jamaican Embassy? I have a few questions.

    1. How long is the wait time for an interview after NVS completes your case? 2. Can you schedule your interview date via paymaster? 3. What is the interview like? 4. How soon do you receive your visa after approval? 5. Is it better to attend the interview with your spouse?

    Thank you very much.

    Happy Valentines to all (L)

    Good day, there Simone it seems we are on the same passage with the Kingston Embassy. I am awaiting notification from them also. Our case was complete in December. Sorry I dont have any info to offer. But hopefully you will here something soon.

    I am happy to find that I am not alone. I have been looking for months to talk to someone about the experience but couldn't find anyone who have done it before. I am currently at the stage of sending my i864 and ds230 forms to nvs. Are you filing for a spouse as well? Have you spoken with anyone about your interview date? It was my understanding that NVS schedules the interview for CR1/Ir1.

    Hi Ladies~

    I didn't file CR1/IR1 through Kingston but I know Ricardoswife (her VJ username) did and she just recently had an interview (December 2005) she doesn't come on the board to much but if you sent her an email I am sure she would share the details with you.

    As for a couple of the questions...

    You can't schedule the interview...it is scheduled for you. The only interviews scheduled through paymaster are non-immigrant visas. I believe that you recieve the visa in a couple of days after the interview if approved. With Kingston it is always better to have as much proof as possible and the best proof is you.

    Hope that helps you out a little bit.

    Jamie :star:

    Thank you Jamie for your help. I will email her today.

    Sounds good thanks for the info.

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