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Posts posted by flyingvee

  1. My step son had his interview a month ago, needed one more document which was provided a few days later. Was tol everything wa sin order and that the visa would be sent out . So far we have been told that the system has been down since then. Called the National Visa Center and some not too friendly person who answered told me that it was down indefinitley with no timetable of when it would be back. Said it was not necessarily related to computer system problems. I find something really troubling about this. You mean to tell me with all the high quality IT people they employ, that 3 weeks later they still can't get the system back online? Any political agendas that might at play maybe? Problem with us is my step son will turn 21 in August. He had decided to stay and finish the school year and come. Not sure now since the embassy approved his visa, if he's already good to go, or if this delay last months if they thne will say he turned 21, sorry.

  2. Hello all. I Live in Orlando and my fiance is in Athens Greece. We applied for the K-1 visa and the I-129F was approved and it moved to the interview stage at the embassy in Athens. They were quite not satisfied and requested more documents, (she was born in Albania but has had legal residence in Greece for the last 21 years). Thus they need more background checks on her, (police records from Albania also showing her name when she was briefly married 20 years ago), she just had th eone with he rmaiden name.

    Bu they also requested that I appear in person and provide proof of our relationship. She had previously been in the US for 3 months 1 1/2 years ago and visited her this past March. we have some photos but we're not photo crazy. Who knew we'd fallin love and document our relationship growing? We do though have over 12,700 message son facebook and i have been calling her everyday 2-3 times a days for the past year and a half. (I do have unlimited international) Problem is the phoen compnay will not give me a copy of my phone records to show this. I can only get the last three months. They say I need a court subpeona. For that I need to hire a lawyer. I am at wits end because that is probably the most important piece of evidence I can show. I cant afford a lawyer. So what can i do. Anyone else ever experince this problem.

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