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Ashley 22

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Posts posted by Ashley 22

  1. I already filled out aos form, and since the baby wasn't born then I did not put child as dependent. My ex is threatening me that she will report my situation to the counsel office because she thinks I should stop petitioing for my wife, she also said she was going to send them pictures of us and the baby bump (when we were happy together) and proof dna and child support, will that lower her chances of getting visa still ?

  2. I have a question (a similar situation)

    I have a friend that went abroad and marry a woman and petition for her and her son, however after coming back to the U.S. five months later her got into and affair with another woman (did not tell her he was married) and then had a child with her. The other woman found out about the marriage later on in there relationship but decided to stay with him because of the baby. My friend and the other woman both agreed that still petitioning for beneficiary because they feel bad and want to at least help her out. Long story short, my friend and other woman broke up de to money problems and he's now paying child support and has joint custody. He's still married to lady abroad and is still trying to make it work with her. How might counsel look at their situation and the likelihood for beneficiary to get visa approved?

  3. I went to jamica and married woman after three months of knowing her however I felt we had an instant connection. None of my family came to the wedding because they did not approve of my marriage. She's 30 and I'm 51. Two months after marriage I when I came back to the U.S. I met someone else and started a relationship and conceived child with her (5 months after my marriage) my new partner and had a serious relationship and was ok with me still petitioning for my wife because I felt bad and wanted to help her still get visa. Currently me and my partner in the states is no longer together and I decided to have a more serious relationship with my wife visiting her more often. Will counslate know about child if I don't volunteely mention it ? What are chances for my wife?

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