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Posts posted by Lovelymo79

  1. Not engaged yet but presently talking about marriage ☺️

    I met him while on a tour at a popular tourist attraction. He's a diver/tour guide and was my guide for the day. I can't swim but I had on a life vest and he was patiently trying to coax me to jump into the deep water. I told him that I didn't come to Jamaica to die! "I am a nurse. I have patients to go back home to to take care of!" In his beautiful Jamaican accent, he replied, "Today, you are my patient, mon". Insert swoon.

    He promised to hold my hand from the time we jumped until we got back on land...and he did just that. Now, he has a hold of my heart.

  2. Hi! I went last month in November to Ocho Rios. My boyfriend had recently got it, his brother and other family members. So I packed a big can of Off. Well, got there..totally forgot about the Off and even got bit by mosquitoes but totally avoided getting the Chik-V. I ended up leaving the Off bottle with his family.

    I'm going back in February but I'm not too concerned. Take some Off and enjoy.

  3. Hi all,

    I'm new on here and have been reading the boards for a short while. Met my boyfriend in August and just came back from visiting him 2 weeks ago. I also just made plans to visit again in February. In the meantime, I would love for him to come here and meet my family since I've met his. He has a grandmother and aunt that do not live far from my family so he would also get a chance to visit them.

    He has no intentions of moving here (we have had many debates about this) and since we are still in the early stages of the relationship, there are no marriage/engagement plans yet. He has a job and also leases an apartment. All of his family except for the grandmother and aunt live in Jamaica. He has a bank account but not much savings.

    Should we just save the time and money and not been apply for a visitors visa since it will probably be denied as soon as he steps up to the officer? Do most people just visit their significant other until they are engaged/married and then file for those visas?

    Thanks in advance for responding.

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