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Posts posted by Nefan

  1. My fiance who lives in Dubai passed her interview end of 2014 and had till march 2015 to come to USA but did not come due to family issues (her family were not in favor and did not support her). We ended our relationship but decided to get back after several months. We tried to see if we could somehow continue this process instead of having to file from beginning. She contacted embassy in Abu Dhabi and they responded to her that we need to show evidence of relationship, pay the Visa fees, retake medical exam and book appointment again through the consulate. I went to Dubai to meet her and create evidence and did everything they asked for. But when she tried to book her appointment through the consulate they are saying system is giving them error and they cannot book, and that we should ask embassy to manually create appointment for us.

    Now we are trying to contact embassy, and have left several messages but absolutely no reply. Its been over a month now. We don't know if we should continue waiting or file fiance visa from scratch again! This is very frustrating. I understand it was our fault to begin with for missing the date but embassy did say we can book again and led us in this direction before turning mute!

    Should i contact lawyer? Not sure if they can help or just start from scratch.

  2. My fiance passed her interview exam few weeks back (in Dubai) and got her visa which expires in March. The issue we are facing is the lady who took her interview told my fiance that she has to come to USA by Nov 26 as her Medical will be expiring soon. If not then she will have to retake the interview. She took her medical on May 30 and it has a 6 month expiry. Her initial interview was in first week of june, but due to some circumstances we postponed it. We have a few questions. Why did the lady say Nov 26? Even if she needs to be here before medical exam expires doesn't that give her till Nov 29? (Unless she wanted us to play safe and be here few days earlier?). Other questions we have:

    Does she have to retake interview if her medical expires? (That is what the lady said but we could not find any documentation on this).

    What if she comes after Medical exam expires? Lets say in January. Will she be denied entry in USA?

    Is it possible to just retake Medical exam before coming in January? If she does retake medical exam does it have to be before prior medical expires?

    I also read online where some people are saying as long as fiance comes before visa expires its fine and she doesn't have to retake medical or interview.


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