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Sarah Waters

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Posts posted by Sarah Waters

  1. I am trying to fill out I-130 for both my adult children hopefully together?
    I am doing it online through a USCIS account and there is this question: "Have you EVER previously filed a petition for this beneficiary or any other alien?"

    Not sure if for one of them I have to select yes, as I am going to file for both but I am not sure if I am going to have to submit the forms separately or together... 
    What to do?

  2. 38 minutes ago, VNN said:

    If your ex is USC, then it is 3 years. Otherwise, it is 5 years.  You can apply up to 90 days earlier than the mark but it is suggested to wait a few more days just to be on the safe side.

    My ex us USC

    25 minutes ago, Ben&Zian said:

    the 3 year rule applies only is you're STILL married to that same person. Otherwise would be 5 years from time of LPR status granted. (The date on the original GC). Assuming since OP is asking about VAWA, gonna guess it didn't work out.

    I am confused by this. Not sure if it is required or not to be married to the USC. Doesn't even make sense when you are a VAWA green card holder...


    After submitting my question I found this:


    Would really appreciate if someone has done it before the 5 years.

  3. 2 hours ago, Transborderwife said:

    Assistance for single mothers will be tough anywhere.  Could you possibly renegotiate child support with an imputed income?  Some judges will do that if they feel that someone is purposely underemployed.  


    How cold old do you want to go in winter is a good question to start with.


    1 hour ago, Boiler said:

    Is this somewhere outside the US?


    Could you go home?


    1 hour ago, neilsqueen said:

    A friend was telling me that Alaska pays people to move there.  Research that to see if that is viable for you.  It's beautiful there and definitely cold at times.  I don't know the particulars but it sounds interesting and could be an adventure.  Best wishes to you and your children.  I'm glad you were able to get out of the abusive situation.  Take care!


    1 hour ago, NuestraUnion said:

    Sounds like you definitely need to be near a support system (friends and family). Would you be better off returning to your home country that may provide support? 

    Thanks everyone.
    Transborderwife: I had to search what imputed income was. He has always worked like this, is not a new thing after the separation, so I don't think that will be possible.

    Boiler, NuestraUnion: In my home country it will be hardest, my youngest wouldn't have any benefits or support, it will be worse for his health since the weather is also very hot and humid and we have power outages everyday, also there are no job opportunities, so it is best for us to stay.

    Neilsqueen, I think Alaska is a bit extreme for us!

  4. So, to make my story short... I came on a K1 visa with my child, had another one with my US abusive husband.
    He made my kids and my life hell until I reported the abuse, he was court removed and I got a protection order. I filed for VAWA and received our green cards recently.
    I am by my self, without friends or family, caring for my kids, my toddler has a disability which makes it hard for me to work... Also transportation is hell since I don't know how to drive and even if I did, we don't have a vehicle and where I live is not walk-able.

    I have managed to get by with some savings that are running out and my child's SSI. The child support is minimum since the father avoids having a full time job.

    I've been considering moving elsewhere because things are too hard for us here and my child is affected by the humidity and hot weather.
    I would like advice if someone has been or knows anyone that has been in my situation... where would be a nice place to start over? 
    Is there somewhere affordable (rent, utilities, food), safe, more walkable, that offers some type of assistance for single mothers?

  5. I just contacted everywhere I could... seems I need to report the abuse for the shelter to take me in...

    Also seems I need to report the abuse so the cops can keep him away from the house so I can gather my things and call the shelters for information and such.

    I am so tired... so tired...
    I don't want to just run away and leave everything behind like some kind of criminal... I need at least to be able to gather our documents and things in a civilized manner, contact the shelters and apply to their program and leave in the least traumatizing way for my kids, specially my 12 year old.

    Not sure on how to proceed for this.
    I will call tomorrow to get orientation on the restraining order...

  6. I entered the States 3 years ago and my now husband has always been abusive to me.
    I have a 12 year old daughter and we have a son together who just turned 2 a few days ago.

    At first he would order me not to mention my daughter's father or he would throw a fit that many times ended with him throwing all my belongings around the apartment.
    He would leave for work (night shifts) and set a password on the computer or take out the internet and things like that.
    His mother has always been disrespectful and rude to me and he would do nothing, on the contrary, he would side with her when we argue and mock me saying that I deserve what she said or did to me... like a few days ago, when his family didn't show up at our toddlers birthday party that I wasn't in the mood to do and he insisted so I had to prepare everything by myself for the Adams family to stood us up.
    I have tolerated all types of things from them, from her coming to shower here without consulting me, demanding that I cook for her, making fun of my breasts, my hair, my weight, telling my daughter that the three wise men weren't real, saying that people from my country were trash and the list would never end. His brother hides when I have visited and has texted him not to bring me to their house.
    I have a few picture of bruises and my daughter who can talk about all that she has seen... but that is it.
    I am sure that there is something wrong with him mentally and I fear for how this might end up...
    He has never helped me with our child, he doesn't pay attention to him, just a few minutes a day even tho he only works 4 days a week. He spends all of this free time sitting on the computer or the tv playing video-games. ALL OF IT. Like he doesn't even sit at the table to eat and he eats right out of the plate without using silverware. He showers every week or 10 days, his underwear smells like urine all the time and his side of the bed since he doesn't even change it for that time.
    He pees on the bathroom sink leaving it unusable and brushes his teeth in the kitchen sink. He is constantly washing his mouth because of the "germs" that are everywhere... he won't pick a thing from the floor because they are dirty so I have to pick everything he drops.
    He clogs the toilet and leaves it there for me to take care of. I left the bedroom's bathroom for him and share the other one with my daughter.
    He makes all kind of weird searches on google about average body measurements, poop, hating having to work, "my wife is a ######", and so on, but recently he just searched that the devil talked to him in his sleep...

    This hasn't stop but gotten worst at the point that he made a scene yelling at me and insulting me while spitting on the carpet because he couldn't find candy that my daughter gave him out of what she got for Halloween. This was just after he had throw a fit to her about how little candy she gave him and asked me about where it was like if he was a preschooler. He even texted her that she had given him "#######" and that she had x quantity of chocolate, like if the candy belonged to him or something.

    I don't have a say here about anything. He would decide where and when things are done...

    My daughter and I are very frustrated because since he spends all day here she can't bring a friend because he would complain about it. He doesn't want us to open the blinds, so we have to live like in a cave... we never go anywhere, never do anything, he doesn't spend time with us, nothing.

    This will give you an idea about how things are around here:



    My question is, what is the smart or convenient thing to do? I have no money or where to go, I don't even know my way around or how to drive. I still don't have my green card and my son was just diagnosed with autism so I want to be able to take care of him and don't want to make him or my daughter go through anymore of this...
    I have been advised to go to a women's shelter and also to call the police on him so they get him out of the house with a restraining order, but what good will that do if I don't have money to pay the rent?
    What can I do? Is there anyone that has gone through this that can give me advice???


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