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Posts posted by jkf21

  1. then a work based visa would be best for you. Look for international temp agencies. I'm sure if you do that and speak to several US based recruiters they will find a company willing to sponsor a work visa.

    A simple google search will help you find US based hiring agencies, and several postings of your resume on US based job search engines, like Monster.com, linkedin, careerbuilder.com, etc will help too.

    Make sure you let it be known you're willing to relocate.

    Thanks d3adc0d3, I will certainly do that.

  2. I just recommended to someone else to look into Robert Half Technology, they're an international company and have bases all over the world (including the UK). They sponsor work visas for Executives, HR and IT workers regularly. Especially highly qualified ones.

    Why are you looking to immigrate to the US? That might help us determine the best route for you.

    Thanks for that, I will have a look into them.

    it's just an goal I've always had, I've visited a few times and just love the place compared to the UK, perhaps because it's different, I'm unsure.

    I'm fairly qualified in regards to Microsoft and other technologies, and currently in a managers position with about 4 years experience, so I'm just building this experience up alongside qualifications to have the best chance.

  3. Yes. She cannot petition for you unless she is an LPR first, which means that she has to enter the US as an LPR. There is no minimum amount of time she has to live here though, she can petition for you as soon as she gets out of the airport.

    Thank you Ian!

    I have looked at the employment visa route, and that's my next step.

    I work full time in IT whilst doing a university degree part time, but it still seems like a massive pain to get a employment based visa.

    I'm unsure if it'll help, but I've got a 10 year visitors visa (B1 or B2 if I remember correctly) approved by the US embassy in London. We will see!

  4. Hi All,

    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

    I am looking to get some form of permanent residence status in the United States to eventually move over there and work.

    My uncle currently has a US citizenship, an american wife and children and has lived in the US for over 10 years. My mother who is british currently lives in Spain and has no current residency status in the US.

    Would it be possible to for my uncle to sponsor my mother (his sister), and then once that has been approved, subsequently sponsor myself as my mothers son?

    I am currently over 21, as I understand this makes a difference.

    Would this be possible without my mother moving/living in the US at any point?

    I understand this approach will likely take several years.

    Thank you in advance for any advice.

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