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Posts posted by ny2016

  1. I hope someone has had this experience...

    I was online ready to click "schedule appointment" for the interview when my cosponsor texted me and said she can't help. She was gathering documents for the I-134 and apparently had failed to mention this situation to her husband, so he freaked out. This was also the day that my fiance was leaving to go back to Brazil after staying with me for 2 months. I went out after taking him to the airport and applied for an overnight job since we lost our cosponsor. His interview is scheduled for January 19th and by that time I will be at this new job for just over a month. I also have a part time job during the day, so my income will be ten thousand over poverty guideline with both jobs. Does anyone who's interviewed at the Rio consulate think this will be a problem? From reading the reviews they sound very lenient but I'm just nervous. Should I write a letter explaining that my job is so new because we lost our cosponsor last minute? I supported him financially while he was here and I've always sent money to him and his mother throughout the year to help.

    Please give me some advice!

  2. Hi,

    My fiance is from Sao Paulo and I read that he needs 2 police reports, one from federal police and one from state. He got the Certidão de Antecedentes Criminais from federal police but the US embassy website also says he needs a report from state police with all previous addresses for the past 6 years. He's called everyone and nobody in Brazil knows what this is! Help PLEASE!!!

    Here is the page that says this...


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