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Posts posted by Richie007

  1. Thant's not true at all. Some people did get RFE's because they did not put in their Alien #. It does not matter that you are naturalized, your alien # follows you your whole life and you most certainly still have an alien #. You can find your A # on the Naturalization certificate.

    Wow you really just blind sided me with that one Lol , we just completed our form tonight and had no idea the A-number was to be included :-O so many little things can just come popping out at you at the last minute. Thanks!!

  2. Hi do u have/put Alien NUmber on the form of g325a? I dont know where to find mine and i dont know if i have thanks

    Thanks for your previous answer to my question :) as for this question, if you are the petitioner and you are now a Naturalized citizen, you will no longer have an alien number because you no longer have a green card but instead a naturalization certificate. That's what I've read

  3. Hey guys, I just have a simple question, that i want to be absolutely sure of before we send off this package. If the petitioner is a Naturalized US citizen, do they put American/USA on the g-325 form where it asks for Nationality or do they put the nationality of the country where they were born? I know this might seem straight forward Lol but we're just paranoid about everything at this point.

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