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Posts posted by Sydney_bitless

  1. Thank you! So what about just going directly to the consolate? They would probably question about me not having a k1? There's one in the city here. I do intend to go back to Canada but I don't want to wait months to be able to be with my guy. I need to see my family for Christmas so not going back isn't an option. My mother passed away earlier this year and Christmas will be a tough time I'm sure.

  2. Thank you. The guidelines do not exactly specify if I can get married here without a k1 visa. So I guess my question is if I don't go back and get a k1 can I/what visa would someone recommend. There's an office in the city here I was talking about with a friend (who's from Pakistan) who married his wife then went to the office for an interview. He said it didn't even take a month.

    I'm assuming that's a spouse visa? (I'm still confused on them) do you have to have a K1 first. I hear of people crossing the border and being explicitly told not to marry while visiting. Why's this? Is there a penalty??

  3. My late mother was American but unfortunately I couldn't attain citizenship through her. She had permanent residence in Canada, not citizenship but didn't live in the usa for an extended period after I was born. I visit relatives frequently all over the usa and grew up just 45 minutes south of the border in Canada (that's a geography lesson there) Through school I met my boyfriend in Oklahoma, almost four years ago. I currently am visiting him in Missouri and after hiring a lawyer, watching her take my money and run I'm still lost and confused. Here are my questions:

    1. I've been told by border guards I can get a k1 visa. How long a wait generally do you expect after applying?

    2. I'm already here visiting, do I have to have a k1 and go back to Canada? What other visas are available and what's the process?

    3. If we get married this weekend (for example, not going to happen) would not getting the k1 impact anything if I don't leave?

    4. What other visas are there and how long do they generally take, what procedures etc.

    I'd really love to be able to come back after Christmas.

    We already know about proving our relationship, finance records, housing etc. What else should we get together or expect?

    Thank you!

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