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Posts posted by rdrincon

  1. Is there any way to change the consulate from Montreal to Vancouver? Yes, her address is in Newfoundland. Yes, it has been this address now for a few years. The designated consulate is Montreal due to her address so Montreal is not a surprise to us.

    However, she has family in BC and if possible she would change her address to an address in BC in order to interview in Vancouver vs. Montreal. I filed the I129 petition back in October and we are 4 months in awaiting the NOA2.

    Ultimately, it looks like she will be in Vancouver for the final months prior to interview and we will need to budget for a flight to Montreal strictly for the interview, which doesn't make alot of financial sense for us.

    The Catch 22 is my fiance's provioncial health insurance in Newfoundland and how that affects her "termporary" move to BC until we get her moved down to the US. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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