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Posts posted by nursejennyc

  1. Thank you so much for your reply. I think that's a great idea about the useful needs in a piece of paper. I will write them tomorrow and email it to her. And yes I think that's what the gate pass is. Not sure if they allow it in JFK tho. The lady on the phone from JetBlue td me it's up to the airport. And JFK being in NY, I won't get my hopes up. Tanx again IRIScv

  2. You can write her in a paper useful questions in English she could use to ask help around!! She can always point the paper "where is baggage claim" "where is...."

    First times I came visit my boyfriend to the states when we were dating years ago my English was very limited and he used to write directions and things like that for me to follow :) that would make me feel a bit better.

    Is a gate pass the thing that allows you get inside the aiport without a ticket?? My husband would get those too when I was leaving to he would wait with me until I got in the airplane..

  3. His interview went really smoothly. It was scheduled for 7 am and he said there wasn't anyone in line at 6 am and he got in line at 6:30 and that he was able to get into the embassy. He said everyone was really nice that he spoke to. Good luck on Wednesday! I hope it goes awesome for your mom!!!

    Thanks! She have all her papers so I hope it goes well. Now how long they told him to wait till he can pick up the visa? And did you hear about a fee to pay the Haitian government?

  4. I hope you've gotten an answer by now. If you haven't, this is the best I've got... I honestly don't know anything about the process you're going through specifically. But my fiance had his interview on Thursday and didn't need any extra money at the interview.

    Thank you for your answer. You are right. Her interview is wed. How did it go for him?

  5. Hi Nursejennyc,

    Again as Ian stated, my mom has not been called yet so she does not have the visa in hand at this moment, therefore can't pay for the fee. I guess to pay for the fee, they may request some sort of information that are probably only on the issued visa.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I really thought that by yesterday (Monday 10/20/14) she would have been called. Since Friday, it's clearly stated on ceac.state.gov that the visa was printed, and then my mom would be called to pick up her visa any time according to the local consulate procedure; but so far no call, and that makes me a little bit anxious, lol.

    I will keep you guys posted as soon as she is all set. That way I will answer to all the questions at once about her interview experience in Ivory Coast and anything else.

    Good luck again to all of those whose relatives are still in the process. Sorry also for the delay after the first post, busy at work.

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