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Posts posted by Vienchulo

  1. I hope I don't offend any one here, I just want to ask if anyone knows or has heard of a same sex couple, one being a Muslim, appying for and being approved for a k1 visa?

    I live in the USA, he lives in Islamabad, yes... Pakistan. I guess you can tell who is muslim now... We have been dating for shy of 3 yrs. We have seen eachother 5 times during this 3 yrs, I have met his family but they don't know about our relationship, only his older sister knows and she is ok with it, she has told me plenty of times that she knows we make eachother happy and that's all that matters to her. Her parents and brother in the other hand have expressed their dislike towards homosexuality and that they rather see their kids dead than being homosexual.

    We have tried applying for other countries, he has applied for a tourist visa to the USA, a student visa as well, he even applied for a student visa to the uk and they have all been denied.

    Does anyone know what would happen if we apply for a k1 visa and someone there at the consulate decides to out him? Are the agents giving the interviews not all American? We love eachother and want to be together, but sometimes it feels like it's not going to happen anytime soon.

    I hope someone can give me some advise on what we should do. I love him and I don't want to loose him. Specially because his country is anti gay... I know being a homosexual in Islam is not a sin, having sex is but I'm sure people don't see it like that, specially in Pakistan.

    My family loves him very much, and what's more important, they approve of us. And that's all that matters to me. Whatever we do is between us, God, and Allah.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope someone out there has good advice.

  2. I hope I don't offend any one here, I just want to ask if anyone knows or has heard of a same sex couple, one being a Muslim, appying for and being approved for a k1 visa?

    I live in the USA, he lives in Islamabad, yes... Pakistan. I guess you can tell who is muslim now... We have been dating for shy of 3 yrs. We have seen eachother 5 times during this 3 yrs, I have met his family but they don't know about our relationship, only his older sister knows and she is ok with it, she has told me plenty of times that she knows we make eachother happy and that's all that matters to her. Her parents and brother in the other hand have expressed their dislike towards homosexuality and that they rather see their kids dead than being homosexual.

    We have tried applying for other countries, he has applied for a tourist visa to the USA, a student visa as well, he even applied for a student visa to the uk and they have all been denied.

    Does anyone know what would happen if we apply for a k1 visa and someone there at the consulate decides to out him? Are the agents giving the interviews not all American? We love eachother and want to be together, but sometimes it feels like it's not going to happen anytime soon.

    I hope someone can give me some advise on what we should do. I love him and I don't want to loose him. Specially because his country is anti gay... I know being a homosexual in Islam is not a sin, having sex is but I'm sure people don't see it like that, specially in Pakistan.

    My family loves him very much, and what's more important, they approve of us. And that's all that matters to me.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope someone out there has good advice.

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