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Posts posted by PurplePassion

  1. So, the system changed again. Now it is not showing anything about biometrics. It has been like that for a week. I cannot get intouch with anyone in USCIS. 


    We applied in may 2020, in december 2020 we moved to a new home and immediately applied for a adress update. 


    could this effected it? In the terminal, it is still showing our old address, but we did receive a email showing our new address was updated. 

    I see people are recieving biometrics but still didnt recieve anything yet.

  2. The I-130 was the most difficult for us. When I left Usa and moved to Turkey to live with my spouse I didnt have any trustable contacts or relatives. First we sent our I-130 with a cashier check in USD from "is bank". Uscis declined us bc the payment needs to be made with a USA bank or Money order from within USA. this made it difficult for us. I asked around for 2 - 3 months for help within the usa. I took a chance with an old high school friend and sent the money to their bank account from our turkish account (which cost us an extra 40- 50 $ usd just to send money internationally on top of the RISK) then gave them instructions on what to put on the money order and where to send it. Luckly they came through for us. I wished USCIS made an easier way for people like us to send money from abroad. I wish you luck.

  3. since the past 5 years I have lived abroad with my spouse. His mother is the sweetest and most caring woman you can ever meet. She is always cheerful and doing cute things. throughout the green card process she kept wanting us to go since she thinks we are wasting our life here. Since my spouse approval, she has been extremely mad. I never seen her this bad. I cannot understand why? Any suggestions? 

  4. thank you for the reply

    yes my father is cosponsor


    will showing airline booking be enough proof to show Im planning to go back to usa? 

    -I also have voter registration

    -Job applications submitted and printed,

    -some job interviews set up

    -2x jobs set up from my fathers company and his friends company 

    -a letter stating my father will allow us to stay in his home and he will be the primary caregiver till we are stable and he will give us a job if I cannot find one

    -updated passport and ssn while in spouse home country

    -report of birth and passport with ssn for our child

    -updated my drivers license while in spouse home country

    -identity cards from spouse home country showing I didnt apply for citizenship here because we are waiting for spouse visa to go to usa

    -I couldnt register my child in school (because you have to submit documents in person) but I have an application pending and she sent the papers for me to print out to show

    -old school loan I kept up to date

    -an old loan I paid off while in my spouse home country


    Im trying to open an usa bank account now, after that should this be enough to prove domicile?

  5. My spouse and I live in his home country for 4 years. we have a small child with each other. his interview just recently passed and he was given a 221g white slip. In the interview they told my spouse that they need to see our plans for usa. they want me to fill out job applications and submit them to them and show Domicile. Is this a normal thing? Does everyone who resides outside of country with spouse have to prove domicile? What should we do or expect about this? we are fixing to send what papers they requested next week, How long will it take for them to give us an answer or accept it? the woman said we are done with the embassy and handed back his passport and told him to return the papers with passport through mail. 

  6. My spouse and I live in his home country for 4 years. we have a small child with each other. his interview just recently passed and he was given a 221g white slip. In the interview they told my spouse that they need to see our plans for usa. they want me to fill out job applications and submit them to them and show Domicile. Is this a normal thing? Does everyone who resides outside of country with spouse have to prove domicile? What should we do or expect about this? we are fixing to send what papers they requested next week, How long will it take for them to give us an answer or accept it?

  7. my spouse had his interview today we did not get an acceptance but I have a fsiee questions


    first my story


    I have live in my spouse country for almost 4 years. We have a 3 year old child. They believed our marriage wad real but wanted proof of domicile. My spouse said the woman told hiç we need a plan and I need to fill out job applications and send it to them.


    does this mean I need yo fill out applications wend them in and just print out showing I applied and send them to them?


    the especially told my spouse " we want yalls plan" so should I also get the sponsor to send proof we will stay with them and also contact child care services to show I will go back to usa??


    what should I do. is it normal for them to ask for this. İs it bad news? Do I have to leave my spouse and child ?

  8. Ive been living overseas with my spouse. I have not worked since I have been here since I am not permited to and have not filed taxes. Our interview letter states


    • 1040 Individual Income Tax returns and W2 forms, or IRS tax transcript (Photocopy), If the petitioner did not file tax returns, he/she must submit a letter explaining why he/she has not filed a U.S. tax return and/or paid taxes., From petitioner and any co- sponsors for tax year 2015. If the petitioner did not file a tax return, they must provide a letter explaining why.


    Does this mean I need to write a letter why I havent filed taxes?

  9. My spouse and I have our interview soon in Ankara. Do we need to have english translations of all documents when we go to the interview in spouse home country? Also, How do we pay the immigration fee? (165$) would they accept cash at the embassy for it? 


    what question are typically asked for married couple?   How long does it normally last? 

  10. we searched everywhere in the country I am residing in for this nothing worked we ended up begging one of my friends in the usa to get a money order for us and send it to us. we had to send money to his bank account which cost extra 40-100 in our money to send money to his account just so we could a money order then had to wait for 1 month for us to recieve the money order from my friend.


    sn. we tried the banking cashier check in USD. they didnt accept it. it got sent back. also I do not have a bank acocunt in usa.  thats why I had to find someone in usa who could send the money order. 


    I think they only allow american bank numbers. cannot remember 100%



  11. If you can't afford it there are likely subsidies. Your children will need health insurance too.

    How do you expect living paycheck to paycheck and not having that extra and not purchasing health insurance to afford a, let's say 100,000 hospital bill?

    This is part of adulting.

    children should automatically have health insurance free up to age 14 or so

    My child and I are US Citizen not immigrants

    why would I pay a 100,000 hospital bill when that chance of serious injury 1 in 10000+

  12. before I left usa I didnt have to purchase health insurance. thats why I am asking after I left the law changed and Im not sure what we have to do. What are some of the health insurance companies in usa that I can call. and the health insurance I was referring to was just a random google search engine answer that was given to me.

    What if my spouse isnt working, do we still have to purchase health insurance if we cannot afford it at first?

    also what if we simply do not want insurance, do we still have to buy it?

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