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Posts posted by wmhurd

  1. Please forgive my typo's!

    I just read your profile. Please be wise as to what you tell him. He may not want you to leave until he's finished with you. Especially if you are taking your child that he is interested in. Don't be fooled into thinking things are getting better. As much as you may love him for those tiny spouts of kindness and normality tha he would display - He is a very damaged man. Do not believe his lies. As sure as night follows day, he will revert to the displays of violence that you know he's capable of.

  2. This is not an immigration question in any way shape or form. Ask your divorce attorney. My personal opinion is that it will have no bearing unless they can't appear in court for a divorce hearing due to being in jail.

    I just wanted to see if anyone has ran into this situation whether it is an immigration question it is a right to post without having your hand slapped by the Powers That Be now that I did ask my attorney she has a copy of everything before I post to make sure that there are no legal ramifications so if she don't see any how can the people who monitor this site?

  3. Dear All

    It seems every time I post a topic and ask for help I get warnings about smearing my ex wife The things I post I do so because I am seeking advice not to smear anyone on here but it seems as though every time I do I get this warning because some people tend to use the law to their advantage and hide behind it. But my mother (GOD rest her soul) had two sayings that I will alway live by 1. A toothless dog can't bite you, 2. All dogs have their day and a coward has two.

    What Iposted yesterday was that if I were to prosecute someone (Which the credit card company states they will certainly do) that I am getting a divorce from will it slow up my divorce? That is all that I wanted to know, to see if anyone out there has been in this situation? If the USCIS catch wind of the charge and put a person out the country I could care less but I am again asking one question and one question only WILL PROSECUTION CHARGES SLOW MY DIVORCE? I am in no way trying to offend or make anyone on here feel uneasy I am just in search of anyone who has encountered this situation

  4. Has anyone out there going through a divorce from your wife or husband and they filed a I751 to get conditions removed? My attorneys contacted INS enforcement who informed them that most marriages that end before conditions are removed, that the recipient will, a lot of times file an I751 claiming abuse, it's what the agent called the "Abuse Excuse" (their words not mine). I am in no way stating that some cases are very legitimate and the respondent did not come to this country with good intentions because some do. But what the INS enforcemnt will do is pull everything that you and your respondent has filed and go through it with a fine tooth comb and that includes going to the respondant's country of orgin and do another extensive records check to see if something was either missed or something new has materialized. Good Luck All

  5. my understanding of this is: Once the petitioner has made a contract of Affidavit of Support, it stays in effect even in the case of divorce. The green card has no bearing on the matter. The petitioner is obligated to support the beneficiary until U.S. Citizenship is aquired or the beneficiary has worked under the SS system for 40 quarters.

    If I am wrong about this, someone please correct me.

    What if the beneficiary makes more than the petitioner and has been working for the past 2 1/2 years?

  6. You are trying to adjust based on a marriage that no longer exists. Did your soon to be ex withdraw their support of the petition formally. If so then it is dead. If not you may "slip" through but you will have some major questions about the relationship in 2 years at ROC. DO you have proof of a valid marriage ?

    Thank you for answering How would they withdrawl their support of the petition? What form would they have to fill out

  7. I have a friend that is married but her husband asks her for a divorce before she is to get her conditions removed from her adjustment of status, she has been here for 2 1/2 year what does she need to file to state that she has been in good faith in the marriage and would like to stay here despite the divorce?

  8. Hello ISpikiKay

    Sorry it took me so long in responding to your questions but some of the interviewer questions that were ask of us are as follows;

    How did we meet, Have been on vacation together, an if so do we have pictures/proof that we did Do we own a home (or the petitioner) and if you do is the spouses name on the title deed. If children are present How are they doing in school. Does the respondant been convicted of a crime. (if it is a female respondant they will ask has she ever been arrested or charged with prostitution) They may ask that in two fashions, I don't know why

    I hope this helps you and if there is anything else I can help you with please let me know


    Yes it is as long as the bank ststements reflects both of your names as well as your current address. Do you own or rent? Sometimes they will ask that question and if you rented the home before marriage. Make sure that your pictures reflect your marriage and if you have taken any trips after marriage make sure you take them



    hi wmhurd,

    i will be having my AOS interview, we dont have that much of joint documents to present on our interview like insurance,bills etc. All we have are joint bank statements, pictures, is that enough?

  9. Yes it is as long as the bank ststements reflects both of your names as well as your current address. Do you own or rent? Sometimes they will ask that question and if you rented the home before marriage. Make sure that your pictures reflect your marriage and if you have taken any trips after marriage make sure you take them



    hi wmhurd,

    i will be having my AOS interview, we dont have that much of joint documents to present on our interview like insurance,bills etc. All we have are joint bank statements, pictures, is that enough?

  10. Hi All

    While working in the yard today the mailman came and hand delivered my mail to me. Upon first observation I thought that maybe one of the credit card companies was renewing one of our bankcards until I saw the same sort of envelope for my daughter who is only 12 years of age. Opened the letter and Low and Behold there was my wife and daughter's GREENCARD :dance::dance::dance:

    The wait was a long and tedious to say the least but now we can take a breather until 2009. :dance::dance::dance::dance:

    :thumbs::thumbs: Thanks Guys for all the support handed to me and mine throughout these last two years :thumbs::thumbs:


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