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Posts posted by mzbutter

  1. We never co-mingled our banking. I actually had him get his own bank account which he somehow overdrew by $1000 and of course has been turned over to collections for. Damn. I feel like I am just stuck.

    I guess he can file ROC on his own because it looks like either way I am stuck holding the bag.

    He/she becomes subject to removal, but applies for and obtains in removal proceedings a new grant of adjustment of status, based on a new Affidavit of Support, if one is required;

    **I guess this would be the only option, but I don't think anyone else will step up to do this...and he does not make enough $$$**

  2. Hi all...

    I immigrated my childs father here last year and we got married May of 2015. It was a living hell. He lied about really wanting to be with me. He did not spend time with our child. When he did work he did not help out financially. I found out he was telling everyone we only got married so he could come to the states. This is NOT what he told me. He left to another state at the beginning of this year *mutual decision as we were both miserable.* He has his 2 year green card and work visa.

    I am in the process of filing bankruptcy because of all the expenses of bringing him out here and trying to buy him everything he wanted and paying for our wedding by myself. The stress has caused me to go on medication.

    I want to file a divorce. I don't care if he stays in the states~if he goes back to his country he will most likely be dead within a year. I don't hate him, but neither one of us want to be together. I don't want to be responsible for anything he does because he makes horrible choices and I know it will cost me financially somehow.

    If we file/get a divorce prior to the filing for adjustment of status, can he still file for ROC on his own?

    Am I still responsible for him financially after?

    Should I just wait until he files next year and then divorce?

    I will retain sole custody of our child as he is NOT fit to take care of said child.

    Any clear answers are appreciated as I am just at wits end as to what to do.

  3. Hi Everyone!

    We got married in Vegas a week after entry. I want to get start the aos process. Here are my questions:

    1.Does his name need to be on a utility bill?

    2. No photos yet as we are having a family ceremony next month.

    3. At POE they took his packet with birth certificate and medical info...when will we get that back? His POE was Feb. 19.

    4. He applied for his SS# already.

    5. Is it easy to file on my own or should we use a service?

    6. What do I do????

    Thank you in advance..

  4. DHL Registration:(updated 08/25/13)
    Go to https://usvisa-info.com/en-jm/selfservice/ss_country_welcome
    to set up the DHL process and register immigrant's passport. You'll need the case #, passport number, TRN, and standard bio information. You'll create an account with this information. Once the account is set up you'll then have to go to "Immigrant Visa" and click on the link in the 2nd bullet point and continue on. Remember fee for DHL is now included in $265.00 embassy fee so you don't pay anything online. You'll have the option to choose between DHL's Kingston or Montego Bay pick-up points. Once you have completed this step you'll take a screenshot or copy the entire page and pasted it into a Word doc, scan and email it to kingstonIVappointment@state.gov with proper email format to communicate with embassy.

  5. Can someone tell me how long it is from the time Kingston gets the paperwork to the time they send the packet to the beneficiary? I am trying to determine when to send him to the post office. Also, I guess I must wait for the letter to arrive before we can go online and do the ds260/261 (i forget which one it is). Thanks

  6. Thank you...keeping excitement to a minimum due to the fact that while I see wonderful success stories & things running smoothly, I also keep in mind all the bumps in the road that people experience. A friend who is not on VJ just found out that a doc that was sent via DHL was never sent supposedly. I am remaining cautiously optimistic and will call NVC next week to see where they are at in the process! (F)

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