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Posts posted by venchy

  1. No i do not know yet. I call several times the embassy but they couldn't help me, they told me to email the service support of ustraveldocs, i did that but nothing they don't reply to me. I even went to Haiti Messager, nothing they did not know how to help me, they told me that i should call the embassy bcz all the issues about the new website, the embassy have to know how to solve them. I am getting crazy nobody can help me. I want my passport back to plan my trip.

    Pls may someone help me!!!

  2. When did i meet my fiancee for the first time?

    When did the relationship start?

    Are you married?

    Do you have kids?

    Is your fiancee married?

    Does your fiancee have kids?

    When was the first time your fiancee go to the usa?

    How often do you see each other?

    When was the last time?

    Do you have family in the usa?

    Do they live nearby your fiancee?

    Where do you live?

    Have you been in other country?

    How long?

    For what purpose?

    Do you have a police record of this country?

    Don't be stressed, do not answer more than they ask you avoid unnecessary details and look into the eyes of the interviewer when he/she talk to you. My english is not so good i hope you understand, feel free to ask me anything. Good luck!

    Please if anyone knows how can i get my passport back from the embassy i'll be more than grateful bcz on ustraveldocs, K1 visa isn't listed on the IV address registration.


  3. Hello guys!

    Its always a pleasure for me to write on this forum, i just want to thank all of you guys who help me to get through this process. You guys are really amazing, so helpful a big thank you cz without your help i do not know where i would be in this process and i wish you gud luck on your process, may God continue to make you better persons.

    One more thing guys, how can i get my passport from haiti messager because k1 isnt listed on IV address registration.


  4. Ok i guess so but i cannot print out my profile like other persons do, unfortunately there is no way. Its only a page that contains personal data, address of haiti messager where i want to pick up my passport, a bar code. It seems that i have to take this page with the letter of interview to the interview. Its a little bit complicated for me. Is anybody here that has the same problem as me? Please help!

  5. Hello!

    I paid on september, i returned packet 3 to us embassy on october 14 th, they sent me packet 4 this week. I have my interview next week, in the letter they say that i must create a profile on ustraveldocs.com/ht etc ... i wish i could post the letter but ther is no option for this.

    You don't schedule appointment for k1 visa but the embassy do. You returned packet 3 before october 11th this is why they did not tell you create a profile, its just what i think.


  6. Hi guys!

    I hope you are doing well thx God. I have my interview next week, i am so stressed i am at the end of the process, the last step its like so close and so far. I want some suggestions, ideas any kind of help about the questions, how is everything. I returned almost all the evidences i got with the packet 3. Do i have to bring more evidences at the intervie? The most important is the questions they used to ask.

    Thanks in advance guys, be blessed!

    Best regards!

  7. Ow i hope so cz i was so worried i return packet 3 today with sogebank receipt (the old system) and i keep thinking if i have to pay visa fee again in sogexpress in the new system create an account on the new website etc...

    Thank you so much, hope everything is going well for you fiance, God bless you.

  8. Thank you so much guys, the problem is i already did the medical tests and they will give me the results tomorrow i don't know if i wait to my fiancee to send me the financial support if the results will still valid for the interview. I do not know what to do at this point. How long does it take to get the financial support?

  9. Hi guys!

    How are you doing? I am about to return packet 3 to us embassy in p-au-p. I went to haiti messager today they said to me i have to send the financial support too, i reply to them in the letter (packet 3) that i received they do not mention that. They said to me if i return the packet without financial support they will return it back to me and it will delay my application. I want to know if there is anyone that have returned packet 3 without the financial support if its true us embassy will return it back to ask for financial support?!

    Please somebody help me, this process is driving me crazy im so confused.

    Any kind of help will be very appreciated.

    Best regards!

  10. Packet 3 contain the information about the documents you have to collected to mail the us embassy via haiti messager. (passport, birth certificate + one copy, confirmation page of ds 160, sogebank receipt original, medical report, 2 photos) My us fiancee received the packet 3 about one week ago then she scan it and email me it. Im waitin for the medical report to return packet 3 to us embassy.

  11. Hi everyone!

    My us fiancee received packet 3.5 last week i am confused about it could some one who has filled out this year help me?

    1. I want to know if i have to send the medical report with the documents they ask me to mail to the us embassy or take it to the interview. Cause they say i have to wait at least 2 weeks earlier to the datr of the interview to do the medical test how ever i do not have a date of interview yet.

    2. They say original birth certificate + one copy, i ve been reading in forums 2013 people say that i have to translate the birth certificate but they do not mention translate in the letter.

    3. They talk about record police in that forum 2013, in my packet 3 they say: If have been convicted of a crime or other offense obtain a certified court record covered each offense. What is that mean please because i ve never been involved in crime etc...

    Please my haitian filler i am begging your helps and informations, someone who has submitted packet to us embassy and get packet 4 without delay please tell me what you have mailed to us embassy according what they ask you in your packet 3 for sure.

    Thanks in advance guys!

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