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Posts posted by Sunny27

  1. Well I've been having a long distance relationship with a girl from tennessee, I went to meet her and her family in June, nice people. Plan on going back for another visit in October after lobster season is finished. And would like to make more regular visits in the future until we decide where we want to go with this. The problem I have is that I didn't always make real smart choices. 3 years ago I had stupidly drank and drove, caught for DUI, earlier that evening me and a friend thought it was a good idea to pick magic mushrooms, wasn't really my thing but he liked them and I thought picking would be a fun experience, anyways the police also found those in the car which lead to a possession charge. Now I'm trying to get them pardoned but it's a lengthy process, I know this could cause me troubles for making my visits. I had thought about applying for some kind of visa, thought maybe going back to school to take an electrical course maybe. I work here and make decent money, but I'm not sure what the best route would be to make these visits easier. I know she would get married if it took that but she's in college and I would prefer she waited a few years to finish that. I'm very worried about her as well, very pretty and sweet girl, amazing family, but her brain doesn't give out enough endorphins and she has troubles with depression, cares about me a lot and have had a tremendous impact on her life, not sure how she would handle it if I couldn't travel there anymore. I'm just wondering if there's any steps I could take, or what would be the best way to make this work. My preference would be to still work in Canada but visit regularly. But I would try for some kind of visa or green card if that's what it took. But I imagine that my past would prevent those from happening. Any help would be great

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