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Posts posted by babaji

  1. Yes, ThaitoUSA, sin sod has, indeed, come up and we have agreed on a certain amount. An agreement has also been made that 70% (of the cash) will be returned. Of course there is no guarantee that it will be returned but it's the current understanding. So, I understand it as really just being a "face" thing and I am comfortable with that. Your other point of supporting the family is well understood, too. She has a younger sister for whom she helps support University expenses which doesn't really amount to that much so I'm pretty ok with it. Her parents are still able-bodied and currently doing things for income so they will not be supported (for now!). So, all in all, it seems ok for the time being although things can always change and probably will :)

  2. Hi, folks,

    My name is Mark from Daly City, CA. I met a Thai girl 3+ years ago online and, after about 5 (or 6?) meetings in person - mostly me going there - we have decided to tie the knot. She is a teacher living in Ubon Ratchathani at the moment but will quit that and move to my home in California next year as long as things go well.

    The idea is to have a ceremony in Thailand in late April and move her here in July. First on my mind is the method to get that to happen as planned. She wants to finish her work "cleanly" by ending at the end of a term and requesting permission to leave her post (apparently that is the protocol). After that, she will make things tidy with her parents and sisters and then move here.

    Options that exist which I am most immediately aware of are a) the K-1 fiance visa; and b) the B2 which she currently has and has used twice (hers is good for a total of 10 years I believe she said). If moving here on the B2, we will get married legally here and then get to work on changing her status.

    I am curious about the pros and cons of each and the timing required for each. Any thoughts and suggestions?

    Plus, something off-topic from visa processing is the sin sod in Thai weddings. Does anybody have experience with that and was it solved amicably? And a second off-topic subject is that of prenuptial agreements. What are members' views of these and how best should it be put together? Is it recommended to use legal guides such as those published by Nolo Press or is hiring an attorney preferred?

    Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.


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