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Posts posted by shland

  1. I emailed the letter document for my fiance to print, sign, and then send to me via dhl. it's a little expensive, but it worked. from Havana it's probably a week or a little more to receive documents from Cuba. from other locales in Cuba, it will be an extra week, as they have to send your package to havana, which can take a while, and then the normal send time from Havana.

  2. It appears in Cuba that receiving a packet is optional, not even sure if they produce anything any longer. and they DON'T send it, you would have to pick it up yourself. But all the requirements are available on a website and via an automated voice response system on the main phone line. And interview appt scheduling and payments are handled by a website as well.

    So we've just started doing all the things (get medical, get police records, etc). I have sent an email to the embassy to verify that there is nothing he needs to pick up, waiting their response. But in general, we're not waiting for the embassy to do anything.

    So if I were you I'd try to be aggressive about finding out if indeed the embassy is going to send anything at all, or if you just need to be taking action to prepare.

  3. Hello - I'm working on a K1 visa for my fiance. Has anyone had trouble getting a PIN for phone communication with the Special Interests Section? I tried 4 different credit cards today, and all were denied, so I was unable to get a PIN. This makes me very worried if I am unable to be in contact with the embassy... not sure what to do.

    Thanks in advance,


  4. If my fiancé cannot bring vaccination records to the medical exam, do they make him get all the vaccinations?

    If so, does anyone know how much this costs? I know the medical exam itself is something like $400, but I'm sure the vaccinations would be extra.

    Trying to figure out how much money he needs to have available for this part....

    Thanks in advance,


  5. I had some questions about preparing for the embassy interview in Cuba ... trying to get some things done in advance.

    Cuban birth certificates.. some countries have multiple formats (short, long/international, etc). Does this exist in Cuba? my fiance has never heard of multiple formats, but then neither had I until I started this process ha ha! And is some special long format needed to bring to the interview? or just a "normal" birth certificate?

    For the medical interview, is it necessary or beneficial for my fiance to bring old medical records, or at least vaccination records? I think these would be a little difficult or expensive for him to get, as they probably exist only in the small rural place where he grew up. Does anyone have experience or advice regarding this in Cuba?

    Anything else that is unique in Cuba with regard to things you need to have for the interview?

    Thanks in advance,


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