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Posts posted by shiaili

  1. Hey,

    Yah I am. But I was wondering if I could use my income and assets in the interview for self sponsorship. I guess my concern is that because my fiancee is a bartender that we may need more income just to be on the safe side.

    What embassy did you go to?

  2. Hey guys,

    Not sure if this has already been addressed but I was wondering if the sponsee's finaces and assets are considered when applying for the K-1 visa? It does say on the US Visa website that "You may present evidence that you are able to financially support yourself or that your U.S. citizen fiancé(e) is able to provide support", which makes me beleive that it is possible. My partner in the US is a bartender, makes good money but not all tips are taxed so I am a bit concerned. I have about 30,000 in savings and property.

    Thanks for your help!

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