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Posts posted by Molly&Akli

  1. My husband has a tourist visa, owns a home here, a rental property, a vehicle... he comea every six weeks for three weeks leave he has from work. He is always honest, saying he is coming to see his wife and will stay in his house. He always comes with a proof of employment and a return ticket prepurchased. Even since filing the i130, and despite his obvious ties here, we had no trouble with his coming to visit on his leave.

  2. My husband arrived November 2nd. We submitted the I-130 at the end of September. He was, as always, honest about coming to see his wife. He was questioned a little more in detail this time, but more about his travels in the Middle East (all work related) than about any intent to stay. In addition to providing a letter from his employer, he also had his return tickets and his tickets for his visit to and from here in December. He came through with no issue! Yay!

  3. Such good news, here! We actually had a consult with an attorney about two years ago that told us it would be impossible to re-enter once we started the process. My husband has been traveling here almost five years on a b2 visa, and I'm so accustom to having him home every six weeks.

    His next flight is the end of November, and the first entry since submitting the I-130. I'll be sure to give an update with feedback on his experience.

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