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Posts posted by Ronnie17

  1. Thank you so muchhh !!!! hopefully this part is faster then the wait to get approved !! :)

    Thank you so much ! hope the process is faster now lol !!

    It should go faster. :) But as I always say here... expect the worse and hope for the best... It's not really a cynical way of looking at it.. just a preparing your heart for the long haul. :)

  2. Hello JenniferEstervin,

    You'll get your NOA2 document in the mail soon. USCIS will also forward your file to the NVC (National Visa Center). You will get a case # (start calling them 2 weeks after they receive your file and ask for your case number and invoice ID #). Once they issue your case number your file will be sent to the embassy.


  3. If it's a high-fraud or notoriously difficult country, then you should send more evidence. I think Egypt is a difficult one. The embassy will review all the info you send before the interview, and a lot of them decide before the interview even happens, based on what's in your file.

    You don't need to send all of your chat logs, just pick samples from every couple months. Select conversations that show the progression of your relationship, planning to visit each other, discussing the future, conversations that only people in a real, serious relationship would have. Send photos from throughout the relationship, with different dates and locations, with family members and friends, but don't send 20 from one day at the beach.

    Thank you so much sadavis5. I literally am going back and redoing some of my chat logs cause I don't think it's more "mushy" than giving some serious discussions. You're awesome!!

    I sent 2 years worth of what's app chat, viber call logs, pictures and flight info. It was almost 300 pages, maybe more lol. And i will send more to my fiancé for his interview :D. Be sure to include passport stamps (I forgot to do this even though I didn't get a RFE, it's better to be safe).

    FABULOUS!!! Now I don't feel too anxious about that!!! I knew I was going to send more evidence for his interview but has SO MANY docs I was a little skeptical. Then those morons tell me NOT to send that much cause it'll "piss them off"... I'm like WHAT!? This is their job! LOL Thanks so much. :)

    SEND EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, they lied to you or they just have no clue about Egypt and actually any country the more evidence you have the better and there is never to much. :) Good luck to you it's not easy in Egypt. (L) (L)

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!! I knew they were crazy.. and I also have heard Egypt can be VERY difficult.

  4. Hello!!

    A visa application company told me that I should not send too much "evidence" because all it does is "piss them off". So, my question is, how much should I send? I have so much and when you use Viber, Skype, Texts/SMS, pictures, tickets, etc. etc. etc. I've read here (VJ) to send ALL THAT YOU CAN.

    I'm a bit confused now as to how much to send. Of course I don't want to bombard them with unnecessary amounts of evidence but I want to send enough.

    Help pretty please.


    Ronnie :)

  5. First things first. I think I replied to your specific post out of a mistake when I was actually trying to write the reply to the OP's question/inquiry. I didn't mean to reply DIRECTLY to you as my reply was intended for the entirety of the thread. I actually agreed with YOUR initial comment.

    Now, with that being said: Your reply directly to me is EXACTLY what I was criticizing in my post. Although you were advising the OP to “tell the truth”, there seemed to be inferences in YOUR post that suggested he was doing something wrong. I’m very happy that YOUR visa process went so seamlessly and you and your husband were worriless. That’s a great thing because I think MOST people that go through any type of government process they don’t know much about and have NEVER gone through usually has a certain level of anxieties that I would think ARE normal. A CO sees through subjective lenses and from what I’ve read, this can be a difficult process. You said that “specific concerns someone has can be a reality to their situation”, and my comment about the OP was I never thought or “saw” anything from the OP about “his situation” but literally trying to get help with his concerns regarding what he thought HIS specific red flags were and trying to get HELP with how to deal with them if the question(s) comes up. More than that, he also said they SPOKE to someone that TOLD them of their red flags. I never looked at his questions with skepticism or that he may have ulterior motives as YOU obviously did considering even in the reply you posted to me you mentioned his “high fraud” country and “any creep can prowl the internet for any reason pretending to be anyone”. Yes you clarified you didn’t think he was a “creep” but from your postings I’m not sure I believe that.

    Romet OBVIOUSLY has some red flags. However, from what I’ve read, he totally loves his fiancée and knows a lot about her and they have plenty of evidence on the paperwork end. It seems all he’s really trying to do is PREPARE for the interview because he’s seen the horror stories (as I have and many others have gone through). Although I like VJ a lot, but when I first came here and read all the different posts, I even started to “worry” about my own fiancé and our process because you start reading all types of situations and many seem to have all the ducks in a row and STILL get denied for many different reasons.

    I was trying to give him encouragement. MY comment was it SEEMED from what I read that there was more of a presumption of his “red flags” instead of genuinely trying to help the OP. I heard more “IF YOUR LOVE/RELATIONSHIP IS REAL” instead of answering the SPEFICIC question he was asking. I know MY OWN relationship IS genuine and I’m not too worried either (and I am marrying a man from one of those “high fraud” countries you mentioned too), however as I said before, when something so important is at the discretion of SOMEONE else’s “decision” there’s room for a certain level of concern.

    So, the high horse you mentioned is NOT the one I AM ON.. It’s the one you obviously like being perched on.

    Hello All,

    As a newbie myself to this process and reading all the different posts I'm a little confused as to how one is supposed to use this forum. It actually amazes me how many times the word "fraud" has been used in this thread. Maybe I'm more an optimist than the "system" others on here would allow me to be but Romet I think you should just TELL YOUR STORY. Your story is not going to be like anyone else's. I don't see what others here see.. I see you being very nervous and want to make sure all of your ducks are in a row and what to expect in these interviews so you can successfully get to the women you love.

    If you're asked in the interview questions regarding your courtship..... TELL THEM THE TRUTH. Meaning.. it sounds to me like when you met her she was "finished" with her marriage and awaiting her pending divorce to be final. You also mentioned she was literally separated from the previous marriage/relationship for 6 years. I also read in a previous post you wrote that you hired or spoke to an visa preparation agency or lawyer (sorry I can't remember exactly which) that actually told you that was a red flag (she "technically" not be completely divorced during your courtship) in the MENA regions. It also seems like you only ask questions regarding your red flags. WHICH IS FINE. I totally understand that. I THOUGHT that's WHAT we ARE supposed to do here on VJ. It's a very unsettling thing when something so simple to you can be seen so subjectively.

    I do not want to give my opinion or try to speak to the validity of your relationship but going back to the issue you're SPECIFICALLY inquiring about. I don't think that this is what this type of advice forum (VJ) should be about. It should be about supplying advice or helpful answers to best try to help the poster relieve the stresses of all the difference visa processes we ALL are going through or have gone through.

    So, my advice: The best thing is to TELL THE TRUTH. Tell them YOUR story ... Knowing YOUR OWN HEART is what should ultimately guide you through the entire interview. From different posts I've read here, it's a hit or miss. It will just depend. So speak with your fiancee and come up make sure you're comfortable answering the question the way YOU see fit. Make sure your answer is confident, truthful, and speak from your heart.

    You said you have plenty of evidence and you're love IS genuine. That's all I need to know and hope we can contribute in a positive and helpful way to get you to your fiancee as soon as possible. God willing that is really all you need. "When you believe if your purpose, nothing can stand in your way". Think positive and good vibes sent your way.


  6. Hello All,

    As a newbie myself to this process and reading all the different posts I'm a little confused as to how one is supposed to use this forum. It actually amazes me how many times the word "fraud" has been used in this thread. Maybe I'm more an optimist than the "system" others on here would allow me to be but Romet I think you should just TELL YOUR STORY. Your story is not going to be like anyone else's. I don't see what others here see.. I see you being very nervous and want to make sure all of your ducks are in a row and what to expect in these interviews so you can successfully get to the women you love.

    If you're asked in the interview questions regarding your courtship..... TELL THEM THE TRUTH. Meaning.. it sounds to me like when you met her she was "finished" with her marriage and awaiting her pending divorce to be final. You also mentioned she was literally separated from the previous marriage/relationship for 6 years. I also read in a previous post you wrote that you hired or spoke to an visa preparation agency or lawyer (sorry I can't remember exactly which) that actually told you that was a red flag (she "technically" not be completely divorced during your courtship) in the MENA regions. It also seems like you only ask questions regarding your red flags. WHICH IS FINE. I totally understand that. I THOUGHT that's WHAT we ARE supposed to do here on VJ. It's a very unsettling thing when something so simple to you can be seen so subjectively.

    I do not want to give my opinion or try to speak to the validity of your relationship but going back to the issue you're SPECIFICALLY inquiring about. I don't think that this is what this type of advice forum (VJ) should be about. It should be about supplying advice or helpful answers to best try to help the poster relieve the stresses of all the difference visa processes we ALL are going through or have gone through.

    So, my advice: The best thing is to TELL THE TRUTH. Tell them YOUR story ... Knowing YOUR OWN HEART is what should ultimately guide you through the entire interview. From different posts I've read here, it's a hit or miss. It will just depend. So speak with your fiancee and come up make sure you're comfortable answering the question the way YOU see fit. Make sure your answer is confident, truthful, and speak from your heart.

    You said you have plenty of evidence and you're love IS genuine. That's all I need to know and hope we can contribute in a positive and helpful way to get you to your fiancee as soon as possible. God willing that is really all you need. "When you believe if your purpose, nothing can stand in your way". Think positive and good vibes sent your way.


    Wow Romet,

    Your recent posts suggest you are awfully worried about the questions you're going to get, and how to avoid them...

    And I'm not gonna lie, you being so worried seems like a little bit of red flag in an of itself. If you try to "get away" from questions, or try to have pre-planned "good" answers, you're going to look a whole lot more fake than your relationship may actually be.

    All relationships are different, no one is going to have your same story exactly because they are not you and your fiance. A good starting place for ALL your concerns might be to make sure you are in this for the right reasons. If you are, then relax. As others have expressed, you'll get through the toughest interviews because your relationship is real. You should be more worried about compiling all the evidence of your relationship....and trust that the interview will go well because you know and love your fiance. Take it from those of us who know.

    Explaining how your relationship developed is a very personal and important part of your story. That includes all the circumstances both of you were in. It should be unique and genuine and the truth, not some answer someone else told you was a good way to "get away" from questions like that. How it "looks," and whether its "normal" or "a red flag" means nothing if your story is honest and sincere. Seriously. It may or may not come up, but either way, just explain and you'll be fine.

    Its seems like maybe you don't think "love" is enough...and it's not...you've got tons of paperwork and evidence to compile. But if your relationship is real, the interview questions should be the least of your worries. Good luck!

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