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Posts posted by AshaL-T

  1. Hi,

    I moved to the US last year to get married (K1 visa) and I have finally received my permanent resident status and found a job. I completed my MA last year at a university in London (part-time and through distance learning) and I am really keen to start my PhD. Unfortunately, I did not consider the increased price of completing a PhD in the US before moving and I am now realising that I might not be able to afford it.

    As a teacher, I had a fair salary in the UK, but now working in the US public school system, I have taken a significant pay cut. The university where I completed my MA has an affordable rate for 'home' students to complete a distance learning PhD but for international students the price is doubled. As I am no longer a UK resident, I am considered an international student. Due to this fact, it is also much more difficult to obtain grants and funding.

    US universities are even more expensive and I would not be able to afford the part-time fees while working. My other option is to stop working and attempt to get a funded full-time PhD position, however I think these are very hard to come by in the US.

    Does anybody have any experience as an expat trying to obtain a PhD? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  2. Hi,

    I am searching for teaching jobs at the college level and many institutions ask for a degree evaluation with the initial application. From my understanding this entails paying around 300 dollars for the evaluation to be sent to the specific employer (you don't seem to be able to get a general one sent to you that you can send out to institutions).

    This seems very steep considering I will be applying for many jobs. Does anyone have experience of this - or know of any way to get around it?

    Thanks so much in advance,


  3. Hi all,

    I'm just a bit behind you in the process. I sent my packet 3 last Wednesday and Medical last Thursday. I tried contacting them asking for a quick interview date or to be put on a waiting list for cancellations but they responded basically saying that I just need to wait. I'm contemplating phoning the immigrant visa interview booking number to see if they can change the interview date and I was wondering if anyone had tried this yet?

    I have a flight booked for the 15th October (although it is flexible) so hoping that maybe I'll be squeezed in before that!


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