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Posts posted by afridi0729

  1. So my wife's case finally got forwarded from the NVC to the US Consulate.

    Her interview is on June 30th in Islamabad, Pakistan.

    I am going to go and bring her with me because I don't want her to come to the U.S by herself.

    I have heard that they won't necessarily give the visa on the spot.

    1st-Should I buy a plane ticket one way or buy a return ticket?

    2nd-If I buy a return ticket, how many days should I stay there in Pakistan to make sure that she will get the visa by the time I come back to the U.S.

    Another words, I plan on buying the ticket around June 25th but should I stay there for at least 3 weeks or how long so she can come back with me?

    The problem with buying a return ticket is that if I try to buy her a ticket later, she won't necessarily have a seat in the plane on the same flight as me.

    3rd-Also, when should she get her medical done?

    From what I read, it takes a week to 2 to process the results and she should not get her medical done too early either.

    So I was thinking around in the middle of June would work.

    Does anyone know how much the medical fees might be in Pakistan?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  2. So I am trying to bring my wife from Pakistan and I am trying to get her a visa.

    I payed the AOS and IV fees and I have also sent the DS-260 application online.

    I am also about to send everything else to the NVC such as the civil documents and Affidavit of support documents.

    But before I send the 864 financial support information, I have a few questions I want to double check on.

    Basically my income is not enough and I am using my sister as a co-sponsor.

    We live together in the same house along with her 2 children, my parents, one brother, and another sister. So theres a total of 8 of us in the same house.

    My sister is also married but her husband lives in another state temporarily.

    What I am confused about is how my sister and her husband filed jointly together on their tax returns.

    When I printed her IRS tax transcript, it wont show her individual income but both her and her husbands incomes combined.

    So in part 6 it asks if I am using any additional household income.

    Since I am combining my income with my sisters income, I also put her name down.

    But in part 6c, it asks for her income, so should I put her individual income or what it shows on the IRS tax transcript which is the income for both my sister and her husband since they filed jointly?

    This is the same case for the other document the 864a, which the co-sponsor my sister fills out.

    So in question number 10 it asks for her individual income. Again should I put in her individual income or her and her husbands income combined?

    In question 11, it asks for the federal income tax total income for tax year 2013.

    Are the answers to question numbers 10 and 11 supposed to be the same?

    Also going back to the regular 864 document

    In part 3 ( Information on the immigrant I am sponsoring), am I supposed to count my wife as Family Member 1 or do I leave this information blank?

    I am only bringing my wife.

    In the regular form 864 for part 5 question 8 the household size, do I put in 3 since my sister is co-sponsoring?

    So one for me, one for my wife, and one for my sister correct?

    Do I include any of my sisters family here? Her and her husband both support their 2 kids financially.

    In Part 3 question 1? I am sponsoring the principal immigrant.......

    Do I put in yes or no (applicable only in cases with 2 joint sponsors)

    Should I use any of my assets or my sisters assets even though I know my sister makes more then enough?

    I figured it can't hurt

    Sorry for all the questions but this form is a little complicated, especially when your using a co-sponsor.

    At least I have all the right evidence needed

    to show me and my sisters relationship (through birth certificate)

    our tax transcripts and my tax copy (hard to get one for my sister)

    our passport copy's


    job offer letter


  3. i am not an expert but I think what matters more is whether or not you have payed your AOS and IV packet fees first?

    I am assuming you have already otherwise I don't think you will be able to fill out the DS-260.

    Anyways I filled out the DS-260 first and am about to send my IV packet in the next few days.

    I think at this point, its best to just send the DS-260 as soon as you can.

    They say it takes about 60 days for a review but you never know when they will actually look at your application so its better to be safe then sorry and just send it soon.

    So if I were you I would just send the electronic application soon.

    If you don't send it soon, then they can get your packet and see that the DS-260 hasn't been filled out yet which can delay your case.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Again I am no expert.

  4. Thanks NLR and thanks again Ian for your help.


    I waited for 40 minutes but it was worth it.

    Apparently I found out for my country Pakistan, police certificates are not required and because their just not reliable.

    This was the only thing I was waiting for for my wife's application process.

    Now I can send the DS-260 electronically, and in one package the AOS package and civil documents all together.

    He said there's nothing wrong with sending the AOS documents and civil documents in one package.

    However, he did tell me since I am using my sister as a co-sponsor for financial support, I need to show proof of our brother and sister relationship such as by birth certificates.

    Also needed is my wife's Pakistani ID card in civil documents which I didn't know about either.

    Last thing, he said I should buy the plane ticket to my country once my wife gets the interview. They will usually schedule the interview one month in advance. This is a descent window for me to shop for a ticket.

    I am good to go now.


    Just sharing with others and hopefully you guys can also benefit from what I know now more clearly.

    By the way this forum is great.

  5. Wow thanks a lot Ian I really appreciate it.

    What you said makes since and looks like that's how I filled out my application.

    Can I still fill out the DS-260 though from my computer and as the applicant?

    Anybody knows?

    There is a part at the end which asks if anyone has helped you fill out this application?

    Should I put my information in there?

    I have another question though.

    In the DS-260 application, in the family part under spouse (me) it asks

    Is your spouse immigrating to the U.S. with you?

    I don't get this question? I already live here in the U.S. I will go and visit her and bring her with me once everything is clear so are they just asking if I am bringing her with me traveling wise?

    Do I put down yes or no?

    Does anyone know how someone can get in touch over the phone with the NVC or is this impossible?

    I called this number 603-334-0700 so many times but no luck.

    I think I might just give up on it haha.

  6. So my wife is in Pakistan and I am at the stage where I have to fill out the DS-260 application form. I have already payed the AOS and IV fees. After I electronically file the DS-260 application, I will send the AOS package and then the civil documents.

    I have had many question and I have tried to contact the NVC at least 50 times but I can never get in touch with them. I call them at this number 603-334-0700 with no success. Is there a certain time to call them? I don't understand, as soon as I try to call the phone hangs up. This is really frustrating.

    They finally answered an email of mine literally after 6 weeks about something else in the past.

    Anyways I have some questions if someone can please help me it would be much appreciated and I have used the Google search feature but not much success there either.

    I was wondering if I the petitioner can fill out the DS-260 and does it matter if I click on (1st page in sign in options menu) filing as applicant or petitioner? Between me and my wife, its just easier if I do it and I prefer to do it anyways. Also, if I fill out the form as the applicant even though I am the petitioner, will the NVC trace my IP adress and see that I actually submitted it instead of my wife? When I filled out the contact of agent form, I did it as the applicant (for my wife) on my computer and so far everything seems okay but I want to double check this since now this is an actual application.

    My next question is the personal information talking about the U.S citizen or the immigrant. There is a personal information 1 as well as a personal information 2 so is this for the same person or does it consist of each one of us?

    My biggest problem with this application is that it doesn't clarify who's information it needs mines or my wife's?

    For example when it asks for the present address and mailing/permanent address who's address does it want?

    I am assuming the family portion is asking about my wife's (immigrant) family?

    Previous U.S travel would be asking about my wife of course correct?

    Since were unsure what my wife's career will be, can we put student down since there's a good chance she will finish college here?

    My wife hasn't had vaccinations since she was a 1 year old infant so will this matter when they ask this question?
    Do you have documentation to establish that you have received vaccinations in accordance with U.S. law?
    I read on this forum that its good to put down no and write in the explanation box that vaccinations will be provided after medical test at my country's embassy.

    I don't understand this question.
    Do you seek to enter the United States for the purpose of performing skilled or unskilled labor but have not yet been certified by the Secretary of Labor?
    Of course my wife seeks to enter the U.S and obviously she can't work until she gets a social security number and approved to come to the U.S. Do I put yes or no? My wife more than likely will be studying but were not sure 100% yet.

    My last questions are about the social security number. Normally my wife would not apply for one until after she gets into the U.S correct? And I should click yes correct? for "Do you want the Social Security Administration to issue a Social Security number and a card"?

    Sorry for all the questions but any help is very appreciated.

  7. I payed the AOS fees on August 23rd. It also said PAYED by this fee on the DS-260 online sheet. If the NVC has to contact me in order to allow me to start the IV application, then I thought by now it would have as it has been 3 weeks already, By the IV fee it says PAY NOW. I guess I have no choice but to just keep trying to contact the NVC.

  8. In your spouses G325A form, you put in their name. You only put in your name for your own G325A form. Your spouse probably doesn't have an alien registration number so you would just put in NONE in this case. This is what I did and my petition got approved.

    You have to have a PDF which will allow you to make changes to the I130 form. The form can be downloaded from the USCIS website, save it, and open it as a PDF file. You want to CAP LOCK all letters when typing them into the form. This is the easiest way for the USCIS since they have to read thousands of forms.

  9. Hi everybody I am new here. My name is Abid and I live in North Carolina. My wife is in Pakistan and I am going through the NVC process to get my wife a visa.

    I went online to fill out the DS-260 online application.

    1.I have (as the petitioner) filled out the DS-261 form which is the choice of address and agent. I also got a confirmation from the NVC.

    2.I then payed the AOS fees of $88 and also got my receipt.

    The problem now is besides the principal applicant name, it wont let me fill out the IV application. Is this an application I am supposed to fill out online or just send the documents through the mail.

    Also, it seems like its saying I have already paid the IV fee but I know so far, I have only paid the AOS fee. Even though the IV part says Pay Now, it wont let me pay for it.

    Am I supposed to contact the NVC to allow me to fill out the Visa Application form? I have tried contacting them last week but no luck yet. So now I am pretty frustrated. I prefer just mail my visa application and the whole 864 financial support stuff altogether and just get it over with.

    I appreciate any help.

    Here is what my DS-260 online application looks like.


    Affidavit Of Support (AOS) Role Affidavit of Support Fee Affidavit of Support Documents & Financial Evidence
    Petitioner/Primary Sponsor PAID N/A APPLICANT INFORMATION
    Status IV Fee IV
    Application Civil
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