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Posts posted by Nico25

  1. Hello, i have a question.. about G325A. regarding employment for last 5 years?.. for me, do i need to put that i was unemployed because i was in high school, graduated in 2010 and start working the same year. do i put that i was a student from this date to this date?

    and for my fiance. she just graduated this year april 2014 and she got her first full time job on august 2014. do i still need to put that she was a student and unemployed from this date to this date?

    Thanks. im just a little bit confused.

  2. You just need to state when and where you met. For example>

    "[Foreign fiance(e)'s name] and I initially met online through Facebook in March 2010. Since then we have formed a relationship and have visited together in person several times in the last few years. Our last visit together was in her hometown of XXX, Philippines for 2 weeks from July XX to July XX, 2014."

    Then supply the passport stamps, boarding passes, receipts, photos, etc. from those visits to prove you met in person within the last 2 years.

    Thank you so much for the help. 1 more question about the g-325a. about the address abroad outside the US for more than a year. what if my fiance did not leave her foreign country since birth should i put her present address?

  3. Your wish is somewhat .,.,. uh.,. impossible, as how can she sign a letter of intent, saying she will marry with 90 days of P.O.E. of the USA???

    Your thoughts are very admirable, but not realistic. There is simply to much paper work, and not to mention the interview, where questions like, Do you have an engagement ring? Did you have an engagement party, and where, who was there from your family?

    That, my friend is just a sample of what will be asked at the interview, I KNOW..,.,., MY WIFE is from Cebu! I was there, saw it all go down, including the CFO, then went to Macatan airport the next day, and bought her airline ticket to the USA, and brought her here myself.,.,

    Now, if you want to do something "over the top".,.,. make sure you go get her, and bring her here with YOU!

    I understand. But as i said. I already have everything ready. I have her letter of intent to marry. Its just that im wondering if theres going to be a problem if we are not engaged yet? But we already planned this fiance visa ..

  4. Yes, if that is the answer to the question they ask you. You can say you discussed and decided upon getting married while speaking over the phone on such and such date. In your case, it seems you will be able to add onto that when you formally proposed in person later.

    Awesome. Thank you so much. Oh 1 more question. For question 35. That i need to do a 1 single sheet of paper stating how we met in person. Can you give me idea what to put coz i dont know where to start. I would appreciate it. Thanks

  5. A formal proposal, love story and ring are not requirements to get an I-129F petition approval. Relationship evidence is not required at all for the petition, so it cannot be 'strong proof' for approval of the I-129F petition.

    You need to prove you are both free to marry at the time of filing and that you met at least once in person within the 2 years prior to filing. Add in your letters of intent to marry and the other required documentation, and that is the strong proof for an approval. Proof of meeting is one of the most important things you need to include with the I-129F petition, and photos are only secondary evidence of that.

    Even at the actual K-1 visa interview stage of the process, a ring and formal/official proposal are not required in order to receive a visa. If a couple discussed getting married on the phone or over web chat, and that was how they became engaged to marry, then that would be how they would answer the question(if asked) about how or when they became engaged to marry. Not everyone uses a ring or gets on one knee to propose marriage.

    So if my girlfriend or me asked the interviewer when did i propose we could say that we discussed getting married by talking on the phone?

  6. Oh, I take it you mean that you have not proposed to her in person and/or given her a ring. I don't see that it will cause you a major problem. The more important thing is the intention to get married when she gets here, within 90 days upon her arrival. What you do need to prepare for is to prove that you have a genuine relationship -- pictures of the two of you together, records of your correspondence (emails, Skype or FaceTime logs, etc.). Pictures during your proposal, including a ring could help, though, but not necessary vital. But during the interview she might be asked how and when you proposed to her so she should be ready to answer that. If you popped the question over the phone or Skype and she said yes, then that could work, I guess; for the purpose of the interview. In my case, my husband popped the question over Skype (yes, seriously! :rofl: ) but I didn't answer him right away because I wanted to think things through. I told him to ask me again when we meet in New York in a couple of weeks. That's when I said yes. :) I was ready to give that answer during the interview because that's what really happened, but the IO didn't ask.

    I havent propose to her yet. Because my plan is to propose to her when she gets here. Im just wondering if that could be a problem? I have all the proof that we met each other in person. Proof that we have genuine relationship.

  7. oh my bad.. i meant we are both single. and for the guides for k1. do you have a link here. im new here so pls help me out :D pls copy the guide link so i can follow. my paper work is almost done. im just waiting for my fiance to send me the g-325a form that she filled up. then im good to go.

    thanks for the help appreciated

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