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Posts posted by RHB3

  1. I was trying to refresh the page as Mr. Martini showed then I had to schedule my appointment because they warned me "You are approaching the maximize number of times you may view this page. Please complete your transaction at this time". So can I continue to come back to check to see if any earlier dates whenever I want?

    Your fiancées live in Ho Chi Minh city? I live in Dong Nai city and I don't know how to give them tips to get my Original Justice Record #2 faster. But 500,000 VND is a good deal, i heard some Chinese Rumors in my town is US $100. This is so carzy!

    Well, we wish we can be together before Valentine day. So we hope everyone here can show us more tips about how can i check and re-schedule my appointment. Thank you very much for all the advices from you, my friends.

    Kind regards,

    Hanh Luu.

  2. Thanks for your responses, friends. I already received the e-PK3 in my email and they said they have sent the PK3 to my address. Anw, I sent my PKT3 to the Embassy yesterday. I can't wait for more..hehe...

    I can schedule my appointment now but i saw there still has 58 available on March 4th 2015. I wonder should i book now or just refresh the page to see if i have a luck. And do i have to cancel the appointment date which i booked before i reschedule, I'm worried that i'm not fast enough to get an earlier available date?

    Do I need to book an appointment for my medical exam and vaccination or just come and start to do it?

    We wish we could be together before Valentine day.. ?


    Hanh Luu.

  3. Hello, everyone!

    I saw you can reschedule your interview date. How can you do this? Do we need to fill in any forms to reschedule? I haven't book an interview date yet but i saw it shows the first available day is March 4th now. We are so sad when it's 3 months away and I'm worried that i can't reschedule if i book it now. Could please give me some advices? And where can i check the interview available dates? And how long does it take to get a PK3 in mail? I just got an e-PK3 yesterday and finished filling the DS-160 form. Today i will go to pay for the visa fee and sending PKT3 to the Embassy. I hope you all can help me before i'm going to book an appointment. Thank you very much for any helps from you, friends.


    Hanh Luu.

  4. Hello, Alex and Nhi!

    Thank you very much for your help. It helped us a lot. We already got our e-PKT3 yesterday and i filled in the DS-160 form right after that. Can i send my PKT3 to the Embassy today even I haven't received a hard copy yet?

    Hello, Mr. Martini!

    Can i ask you for help? Could you please to share any tips (if have) that how could your fiancée can book an interview in Feb 2nd 2015 while the calendar is already full appointments until March?

    Last time, i saw another couple rearranged their interview appointment earlier (from Jan 6th 2015 to Nov 20th 2014), they said they saw this day was available and they took it. Can i do that too after i get an interview date?

    I'm going to book my interview appointment today but i saw the frist available day is March 4th (as Alex & Nhi showed) on my account. Where can i check a whole month or another months?

    The only paperwork i need now is my Orignal Justice Record Check #2. How long does it take to get this one?

    Thanks again for any helps, my friends.


    Hanh Luu.

  5. Hi, friends!

    We tried to check a date which our documents arrive at the Embassy by calling them/ chatting online with a woman on the Embassy's website but they couldn't help us. All they said was we have to wait until we get the Packet 3 from the Embassy to schedule an interview appointment. Then I figured out the way to check our case no. on the website: www.ceac.state.gov that said our K1 visa application is ready for an interview and the status updated date was Nov 28 2014 but we haven't received a Packet 3 yet. We already filled in the online IV inquiries form to send them yesterday and my fiancé called to the Embassy by the US no. which is supported on their website but they said they can't help. Then she asked for my email address, couple hours later i got an email from the Embassy supported to me an account + password and a link to schedule an interview appointment (like the picture above). So what do we have to do now? We're so worried and confused because all our processing dates are similar yours. We highly appreciate for any help from all of you here!!!


    Hanh Luu.

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