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Ramiza Sejdiu

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Status Updates posted by Ramiza Sejdiu

  1. SO F*CKING HAPPY!! Husband got approved for visa. :)

  2. Please someone go read my post that i posted i am scared.

    1. SofisPatience


      Oh no! I hope nothing severe, God willing everything will be ok

  3. Called husband to wakeup & get dressed for his interview today! Keeping fingers crosed. I hope he gets the Visa!!!

  4. interview tomorrow!! inshallah he will get approved. *keeping fingers crossed*

  5. 2 days left... *heart starts to pound*

    1. Kerstin + Faisal

      Kerstin + Faisal

      Inshallah you get approved! :D I'll be praying for you.

    2. Ramiza Sejdiu

      Ramiza Sejdiu

      Inshallah thanks!

    3. Kerstin + Faisal

      Kerstin + Faisal

      You're very welcome! ^_^

  6. 3 more days to go til husband's interview. OMG!! :)

    1. SofisPatience


      That's wonderful!! I hope his visa is approved and you'll be together soon! :)

    2. Ramiza Sejdiu

      Ramiza Sejdiu

      hopefully:) Thank you!

  7. Will someone please go read my post that i posted? Please i need answers!!

  8. Can someone help me out?? When u go for ur interview at the embassy do u have to pay those ppl that stand outside for them to check if u have all documents in order & for them to fill out some papers? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION MY HUSBAND HAS INTERVIEW OCTOBER 30

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kerstin + Faisal

      Kerstin + Faisal

      That's pretty much what I learned from reading so many reviews from many of the Embassy. I hope that settles your nerves just a bit lol. :D.

    3. Ramiza Sejdiu

      Ramiza Sejdiu

      Thank you so much Kerstin. i appreciate it. & yes i was very worried what was going to happen. tomorrow is his interview. i'm just thinking positive & praying that everything will be okay. again thanks!!

    4. Kerstin + Faisal

      Kerstin + Faisal

      Your very welcome :) Yes, think positive! I've been doing the same for my own husband interview coming up on Monday. I'm such a nervous wreck as well and just trying to keep busy. Inshallah it will it go very smoothly and you'll get approved! Much prayers to you both!!

  9. Husband's interview is in 5 days!!! 0___0 am freaakin outttt!

  10. you know what sucks the most? living 8,301 km away from the one you Love!!! :(

  11. I miss my husband so much i wanna cry. :( i hate these lonely nights!

    1. Brajewry


      I feel same you. Kill me every night

    2. Ramiza Sejdiu
  12. I am so freakin' stressed out!! My husband's interview is in 7 days! & i heard that the ppl in skopje macedonia embassy are mean & strict they deny in first interview!!? I cannot eat nor sleep!! I miss my husband so much:( i pray to Allah that everything will be okay Inshallahh!!!!

  13. 8 more days to go til husbands interview!!! Oh em gee!!

  14. Woke up 5:20 am to skype with my husband & made sure he had ever document prepared for his medical exam for today. Good luck babe

  15. Yay!! :) Husband's medical exam is tomorrow!! I hope everything goes smooth.

  16. hubby's medical exam is in 6 days. hope everything turns out OK!!! :)

  17. 24 days to go til husbands interview. let's go october mooove itttt:D

  18. I cannot wait till my husbands interview on oct 30th! I just want this whole thing to be over and be with my hubby, come onn october hurry upp..

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