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Posts posted by GOFFA

  1. My wife reflection from today interview. She waited for a few a hour and her name got called. Her interview took 45 minutes. We have all supporting documents like Facebook chat log, phone record, money gram. Our Facebook chat is 300 pages. HE ASKED HER EVERYTHING ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY. OVERALL IT WAS A FRANK CONVERSATION AND APPROVED HER VISA AFTER SHE CONVINCED HIM OUR RELATIONSHIP.

  2. Hey Itsgonnabeworthit, I send my wife document with out a police clearance certificate. I wrote a letter to NVC that it is hard to get a police certificate unless she gets the interview letter I hope I do not get check list

    Hey Itsgonnabeworthit, I send my wife document with out a police clearance certificate. I wrote a letter to NVC that it is hard to get a police certificate unless she gets the interview letter I hope I do not get check list

    Hey Itsgonnabeworthit, I send my wife document with out a police clearance certificate. I wrote a letter to NVC that it is hard to get a police certificate unless she gets the interview letter I hope I do not get check list

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