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Posts posted by Counselor57

  1. Has anyone had problems with registering with the online system using DHL to send and receive documents to and from the embassy. I tried to register But it asked questions and wouldn't take my answers. So I thought I would start over and removed all my information. The system archived my cases and I am unable to get them again. I called the call center and the lady tried to input them herself. It didn't work for her. She said I had to contact technical. It has been a week from this date and I have no answer. She said they would have to remove them from the system or just enter the information.


    The embassy has asked for the passports due to expediting and doing the medical after the interview. We can't get them to the embassy without DHL registering our case. Is there another way to send them the passports? Can they be hand delivered? I'm stuck. The officer said congratulations we had been approved they just need the medical done and send the passports back. Anyone know anything?


  2. OP I am truly happy for U both that she got the visa & U R going

    to go the K1 route after. I must commend U in doing the right thing

    by the person U love, the cost may be more but budget save & plan

    and god will see U thru dude...wishing all of U happiness in the future

    Jawaree.... We are still waiting for the interview for the B2 visa. she hasn't got it yet, but believe she will. Yes we will do it the right way. pray for us. Thanks

  3. Thank you all for the comments. My thoughts are I really do not want to mess this up. We decided to go the K1 way and do it right. We pray all is calm with the ex. I do not want to take her away from her children. I believe she would come, but I couldn't live with her hidden pain. I love her very much so I will wait and pray all is well. I pray the B2 is granted and we will follow the rules and do it right so there will be no backlash.

  4. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it very much. She does love her children very much and they are looking forward to coming to live with me, but the question is it won't happen if something happens to her. I know that sounds harsh but truthful. She tells me it was really bad when they were together. She has filed reports on him with the police and they would only lock him up for a couple of days and release him. Actually today he came by and shot into her family's home.

    My proposal will not be a complete surprise. We have talked about marriage. She has even asked me, but being the man I said I need to ask her. I do understand the complexities of the matter and our plan is to do it right. But I can't help but to be concerned for her safety. Thank you for your advice I will pray all works out and continue with the direction we started. If you or anyone think of anything else I should know, please feel free to write.

  5. My girlfriend is planning to visit the states at the end of next month. She doesn't know it but I'm planning to propose to her. She will then return to her home country as I start the K1 visa process. There have been some ugly turn of events recently. In her previous relationship her partner was very abusive. He has been arrested before. Recently he came and harmed her again. I would really like to get her out of that situation before he kills her. When she comes to visit and I propose, could I marry her and start the I-130 process. If she agrees, because she can't go back. Plus she has 3 children which I don't know if she would want to leave for a while. She has relatives who can care for them. I just need to get her to a safe place. I know it sounds strange. Any ideas? Help!!

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