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Posts posted by jrobles25

  1. Make sure to put the last three years returns I got checklisted for just putting the previous two and explaining 2014. Make sure to put the extension letter or if you can file before you send in the returns and w2 and all updated info. I believe not having filled delayed my petition by two months. So if you can file before you send it.

  2. This is so disheartening. You do the right thing still get slammed with BS. My case complete was 7/31 and still no further than before. All we can do is hurry up and wait. I need this finished so we can start our lives together and maybe start a family IDK we'll see. Does anyone know if at this point we can get a politician involved? Is it worth it?

  3. Well would it be a problem to just use the maiden passport? She's about to send me the birth, marriage, and certificate of no judicial... It will take a while for me to get her the $ for the new passport. It will delay my IV package considerably. What can I do will that cause a problem if I filled the paperwork with married name because that's what's on all her paperwork including cedula, marriage?

  4. My wife changed her name when we married, Her passport still has her maiden name. All the paperwork we have been doing uses her married name. Will that pose any problems for us come interview or NVC review? It is too late in the process to get a new passport because it has to be at least 6 months old. Is there something we should be doing in lieu of this issue?

  5. It's hard as hell but I do know one thing. We do love each other we just have to try and bend a little on both ends. But the fact that she's a Libra doesn't help either. Dam Libras think they're always right and getting a sincere apology from them is like pulling your own teeth with kitchen tongs. Oh they say it "I'm sorry, I apologize, My fault", but do they mean it? Well she's supposed to get the correct mariage certificate (Inextensa), and the Police Cert. Hopefully she'll have everything before the week ends. I thank everyone for the support and your words have helped me see there are others...

  6. earlier today my wife and I were discussing this very issue. I cannot how many times we blocked each other in WhatsApp , threathened each other with divorce..etc.

    one of our big problems was the backyard lawyers in DR that know everything but know nothing and was filling her head full of Mierda!

    we laugh at it now because it's over. What your going through is nothing new to anyone its just part of the process, not what you may want to hear right now, but it is what it is just hang in there you will be through this soon

    Hopefully because just last night I called it quits it pisses me off being in the dark about stuff and she has a terrible poker face I catch her in little bs lies por que hace muchos líos and to not admit she was wrong tries to cover it up. The one thing other than infidelity that can kill a relationship is dishonesty y las amigas filling her head up with sh!% like you said. It is truly killing us right now. I hope things turn around soon because we still have a few months to go. I tell her to tell me the truth no matter what 90% of the times I have to help her come out of them her situations anyway. Ug!

  7. Anyone else having grave issues with their marriage while they wait? We seem to be constantly at each others throats these past few weeks. Seems we are both getting frustrated and I'm afraid we won't last to see it through some days. There are times when I just want to give up on the whole thing communications are sometimes splintered we used to always communicate through the day but seems we are getting tired and I know I have a fault in it but so does she and it gets so hard sometimes.

    There are days when the only thing that keeps me pursuing this is the investment I have already laid out. Not talking about whatever money I send her to help her situation. I'm talking about the wedding, Trips, Immigration papers forms/process everything. I know I'm in the home stretch but this long distance relationship is the hardest thing I have done in my life and it gets to me sometimes. I even stopped talking to some friends about it because ultimately it's my problem.

  8. Oh I am going to be there. Just wondering about the interview n are they going to grill is both n stuff. I was a little confused because NVCs website states I do not need to be there and SD consul says I should be there like you said. Not mandatory but I should.

  9. I have a question, I have been scouring VJ for consulate interview experience. My wife and I sometimes start discussing times, places, people... and she usually ends the topic with, I'm not worried about it only fake arrangements get denied. I keep reiterating the fact that she can be a little air headed sometimes and say probably the same thing I say differently. At some point I read somewhere that she's the only one they'll interview and since all the information I find is from 2013 down for instance I found something today from 2011, Does anyone know the best way to prepare for this interview I'm not sure I can go through this process again there's one shot to get it right and this has been the hardest thing I have ever done (long distance relationship) is killing our marriage. We know that it's eventually going to take it's toll on us. Lifeline please, on how to make sure we are ready for the interview.

  10. Thank you so much for clarifying this for me I have been reading so much on the whole process that I was preparing for AOS and IV separately. Even VJ's timeline tool has them as two packages. I paid my AOS Fee last week and the IV side has not been activated so I got worried and checked this forum and someone mentioned that only after NVC receives the package do they generate the IV Bill. and since they are expecting everything together I started to panic. Thank god I didn't send it out Thanks for the replies everyone I can breathe easier now. BTW I did read the instructions on the NVC website adding to the confusion.

  11. I received this Document Cover Sheet with my welcome letter and AOS Bill. Everywhere I have read that the AOS and IV Packages are two separate packages but in this Doc cover sheet they are asking to send Financial docs as well as Supporting Docs. Am I wrong and this is the entire AOS Package and I will have to put an IV package separately? Please help, I'm confused!


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