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Posts posted by abilaw

  1. I would say it was quite detailed. we had tried to prep for all eventualities and likely questions and also the fact that we could be seperated for the interview which is what exactly happened. the interviewer was polite but businesslike. my wife went in first as she is the USC and I was left to nervously pace the sitting area. after what seemed like forever she came out and I was called in. after being sworn on oath, my questioning began. the interviewer was basically concerned about the fact that we did not have a lease but we presented rent receipts bearing our names. she then asked details about our type of apartment and the things in it like what type of stove do you have,what is color of your kitchen floor?what is the color of your microwave? she then asked me to describe where I proposed to my wife and asked about my family in the US. i have a sister here so i told her.my wife has kids and she asked me about their dates of birth and ages. i was prepared for it. she asked if we planned to have kids too. she also asked to see my passport. she did not even check the pictures at all. she asked me what my wife was currently doing now. she also wanted to know what i was doing now too. all in all, she seemed pleased with the responses and then asked me to state my name and then the tandard questions of have u been in a terrorist organization, are you a communist? do you have weapons training etc? she then said she was approving me on the spot and then eased up a bit to chat. she escorted me out and gave my wife a thumbs up. turned out after comparing notes we both did not remeber the color of the kitchen floor but that was cool. my opinion is dress well, practice well, be confident, if you dont know one or two, that is fine and pray if you are the religious type. its doable! thank you

  2. Hello All,

    I and my wife should have our interview in a month. she is the US citizen filing for me. I am first a bit surprised at the speed in which I moved to this stage. I expected a slower process based on what I had been hearing from some other folks. my issue is that we got married only on August 4. there is not much by way of long documented stuff that we share together. I do have a life insurance policy with her as beneficiary and we just opened a joint account. our rent is such that we just pay cash and we are issued receipts in our name (no lease). would this be enough for USCIS? I moved from TX to KY because of school (2nd masters) and for her to be close to her family. I got the EAD very recently and I do have a job offer pending in NYC. I would just like some advice in terms of acing this interview. Thanks

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