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Posts posted by Lawinshi

  1. My fiancé is currently in Peru awaiting his medical appointment (on Wednesday) and then his K1 visa interview (on December 22nd). I just found out a few days ago that I am pregnant (with his child, of course!). Now the panic is setting in...

    We met and are both currently employed on a cruise ship. Both of our vacations are scheduled through March 22nd. We plan to get married immediately upon his arrival to the US and then file for adjustment of status and EAD as soon as possible. He needs to get back to work asap so we can afford to have this baby. Would this be reasonable grounds to ask for the EAD to be expedited? I will work as long as possible but I will only be allowed to stay on the ship for so long with my condition. This is really bad timing, but I guess you don't always get to choose when these things happen.

  2. Yesterday we were told my Fiance's interview date which is only two weeks away! That wouldn't be a problem except he works on a cruise ship and isn't scheduled to be back to Peru until January. We tried to reschedule the interview for a specific day in December and they said they will give him an interview in December but they can't promise a date. He will be leaving the ship early (next weekend) to prepare.

    Has anyone else had to reschedule their interview? How long did it take to get the new date?

  3. I'm new posting on this board but have been looking at it for advice and answers for a little while now. I am engaged to a Peruvian man who I met at work and have been with for over a year. We both work on a cruise ship in Hawaii and he is currently in the US on a C1-D (crewman) visa.

    Yesterday I started getting together the I-129f packet for a K1 visa and I'm both stressed and excited about it. How long did it take most of you to gather all of the information and fill out all of the forms before sending in the initial packet?


  4. Hello - My fiance is from Peru and we have just started arranging the i-129F packet for a K1 (fiance) visa.

    Albert, my fiance, would like to come visit my family in Chicago while this process is happening. Does anyone know if it is possible to be applying for a tourist visa at the same time we are applying for a K1 visa? We don't want to do anything to jeopardize the K1 visa, as this is more important in the long term than the tourist visa.

    Thanks in advance for any help.


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