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Posts posted by AmmarM87

  1. :) If you have good grades, apply online to universities you want to go to ANYWHERE IN the US. But then you have to apply for a student visa with the US consulate of your country! Once you apply, and after a while you get an acceptance letter, you have to provide that proof then on the visa application that you have been accepted and also better to show them proof that you paid the tuition. If you have money problems and also don't want your family to know, start off with a community college which is cheaper, and also MUST get a PO box so you

    can receive your mail privately, since it seems your parents want total control over you!!! If you are of age, no one can stop you from living your own life! especially in america!

    Also ask the consulate if you qualify for an expidated visa.

    good luck hun, and forget men! MEN suck, i bet you will find a charming, american man who will respect your values virtues and your

    background and will want to marry you one day and love you. Don't marry the wife-beaters!!! Otherwise, you will never escape the hell


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