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Posts posted by ArmyVet2010

  1. Guys i did a little brain storming and i just realized why he most likely dont want to send divorce paper, thats because he got a medical discharge and most likely recieving VA benefits as married more $$$ all you need for proof is a marriage certificate. Scumbag not only took advantage of my SIL but us taxpayers from a system that is put in place to help people. So much rage!! Lol sorry for venting in here. On another note the 6 month residency is not a requirement but major reason for denial. Debating on getting a lawyer just to expose him.

  2. Thanks for all the answer guys it was what I expected, maybe not what i wanted to hear lol. Sending money to the spouse while waiting for the visa to be approved is something thats expected in the PI also like many parents over there expect their children to support them! ### backwords in my opinion but the Army pays you BAH extra allowance for being married normally over 1000 a month and legally part of that money belongs to the spouse thats why she was able to call his commander and get it. I think is the other way around he migth have enter the marriage looking for money, bc he just have gotten divorce so he was losing the BAH over $1000 and then was expected to pay child support plus allimony another $1200, so marrying her will set him back up some.

    But regarding back to the little girl without divorce papers I'm definetly not gona have her here and risk getting in a custody battle. I used and internet website to track his phone number and I believe I know where he stays at or at least where the cell phone number is billed at just in case we ever need it. The ball is in his court so unleash he makes a move we stuck. SIL already planning to go to Malaysia for work. Sucks there no laws in place to protect someone in her situation but got to move on with life no reason to stress about something is out of your control. God Bless!

  3. Thanks for the advise guys. Yes we are considering on bringing the child here so she can have a better life and education. But without divorce we afraid that nothing can be done plus if he send divorce papers im sure he would put something on them were he dosent have to pay child support. He already pays child support from his previous marriage so i believe he wouldn't be able to make much of a payment anyways. I was wondering could the spouse qualify to file a I-360? Is abandonment cosidered abuse? Again thanks for all the advise, God bless.

  4. Hi everyone! Happilly married vet to filipina checking in, 8 year and going.

    Unfortunetly not the same can be said about my wife sister marriage, she dated another american soldier in Korea while I was still also there with my wife but unlike my wife, her sister had enter the Korean peninsula with fake papers making it imposible to get married there. Eventually like all stories boy meets girl they fall in love move in together, hups! she gets pregnant and they want to get marry. So for that to happen girl leaves the country pregnant, boy follows her to the PI get married does DNA test to confirm parenthood goes back korea to finish his tour during that time they chat/skype, call each other and even visits a second time to see his family and file a I-130 visa to bring them back home. Then he get orders to Forth Stewart Georgia.

    Here is when things start going south, at the beginning they keep their routine of skype and western union to support her and daugther basicly what we all do in our a far distance relationships while we wait on our visas but then he slowly started sending less money, less calls, less skype convos and dragging his ### on the filing of her petition. We call the commander they get his ### on check everything goes back to normal but he ETS (discharges from the army) and now we can't even get a hold of him, no support 0$ her petition already has a case number, invoice number but refuses to finish it. We suspect infedelity but cant confirm.

    So, i guess she gona have to fly to manila to get a divorce at the embassy. Is there anything she can do from this unfair threatment? How can a guy leave his daugther?! I feel so bad for her and it has taken a told on my wife 2 bc she loves her sister so much. Are we out of luck here? Have I been stuck with the bill of taking care of his family now? Not even child support rigth? bc she is in the PI. Any advise is welcome.

    P.S. I never like the guy he was way to nice and had previously been divorce. At least he showed his tru colors before she got there with him, wouldnt like to imagine what kind of threatment she would have been put thru so many scary stories here.

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