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Posts posted by lkstewart10

  1. Thanks Ikstewart10!

    I have just sent en email to asknvc@state.gov I hope it will help.

    Just out of curiosity, did you ever got an answer to the email?

    Because I sent an email with few questions two weeks ago to the same address but I haven't heard anything...

    Actually, I just got a reply to the original email today telling me of the CC (one day after I got the N/A on the website). It's possible that they got to the email and reviewed it then???

  2. I just got off the phone with NVC. My scan date is Oct 28th but recently I have realized that I made a mistake and resent my AOS package which was scan on Dec 10h.

    I was really hoping to still be in the pipeline and have everything g reviewed by the end of the year.

    A nice lady answered the phone but unfortunately she deleted all my hopes and to me that I am looking at a review in the second week of February.. I am so depressed right now...

    I thought somebody in the thread had somehow a similar situation and she/he got the review with the first scan date?

    This wait is killing me :(


    I also forgot to mention that when I called about sending in the corrected document the first time, the operator told me to send an email to asknvc@state.gov telling them that I was sending the replacement document and otherwise my package was complete and ready to review. It is possible that this helped them to know to use my first scan date. I don't think it hurt.

  3. I just got off the phone with NVC. My scan date is Oct 28th but recently I have realized that I made a mistake and resent my AOS package which was scan on Dec 10h.

    I was really hoping to still be in the pipeline and have everything g reviewed by the end of the year.

    A nice lady answered the phone but unfortunately she deleted all my hopes and to me that I am looking at a review in the second week of February.. I am so depressed right now...

    I thought somebody in the thread had somehow a similar situation and she/he got the review with the first scan date?

    This wait is killing me :(

    I had this same situation. Although they told me on the phone they were going by the second date, they actually processed mine two days ago for the first scan date of 10/20 (second scan 11/12) with a CC. I will say that mine came a few days after all the other 10/20 dates. There is hope!

  4. Oh no, I did not write my case number an all the IRS tax transcript not the I864 case.. I hope it will be fine anyways and that they will not loose my documents.

    Now I have a question.. My scan date is oct 29th but last week I have found a mistake on the i864 form so I have resend it before getting any checklist (I don't think they have reviewed my case yet). I have just called NVC to make sure that they have received my corrected form and they said that they have received it on December 10th. I also asked if I will receive an email with the scan date of this corrected form but the rep said no. Is this normal? I thought I would receive an email with scan date everytime I send a package to NVC.

    Also do you thing the 60 days will go from my first scan date (October 29) or second scan date (December 10)?

    Maybe I am too optimistic but I am hoping that since they haven't reviewed my package yet I am still in the pipeline with October 29. What do you guys think?

    I am in this same situation first scan Oct. 20, second Nov. 13 for a corrected i864 before review. I did get a new email with a scan date.

    I am also hoping I am still in the pipeline. I called twice... the first time I was told it would be reviewed by the first date and the second time I was told it would be reviewed by the second date. I will keep you updated on my situation.

  5. I just thought I'd pass along my experience with calling the NVC tonight. I submitted my DS-261 on 9/16 and called tonight to confirm that they had received it. I asked if the 15 day window quoted on the website was a realistic timeframe to expect the DS-261 to be reviewed. She did not respond to that question, but then verified my (agent) and my husband's (beneficiary) email addresses and said that since she had verbally confirmed with me those addresses that she could unlock the IV fee bill and it would be ready in a few days. I also asked her if I should send it in one or two packages and she told me that one package would be fastest at this point.

    Might be worth taking a shot at calling for those people waiting for the IV fee bill.

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