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Posts posted by ashwnzl

  1. Ok, I'm starting to get concerned... I received an update on 12/15 that our interview was scheduled and I have yet to get the notice in the mail. We did just move, but our address was updated in the system prior to that notice because it shows in our case file and they sent us a notice of acceptance to our new address. When I tried calling yesterday, they basically told me there is nothing they can do to look into the matter until it has been 30 days since the update with no receipt of a letter. My issue is we go out of state on Jan 7-11 (which I highly doubt the actual interview will be scheduled in those dates) and I'm worried we won't get a notice until a few days before the actual interview, or God forbid, until after the scheduled interview. It has never taken us longer than 2-3 days to get a notice in the mail after an update was done to our file... Any words of suggestion?

  2. We are eligible to file my husband's n-400 based on the 3-year marriage rule on May 15th. As I am looking over the instructions, I see that the only evidence required to submit with the application is the 2 photographs and a copy of his permanent resident card. Just so I am clear... We don't need to send any evidence like we have in the past regarding proof of our relationship? All we need are those two things?

    Update: Nevermind... I answered my own questions. After searching on the USCIS website, I came across a different list.


  3. So I'm freaking out a little... When we filed to change my husbands status to obtain a green card, we went through an immigration attorney and everything went very smoothly. At the end of the process, our attorney informed us we would have to file to remove the conditions in two years, but since it is such an easy form and an easy process, we could do it on our own with no problems. So two years later, here we are. We just sent the forms/packet in last week. My concern is that we didn't provide enough proof of legitimate marriage. I only included our child's birth certificate to show parentage, my new SS card to show I changed my last name to his, drivers licenses to show shared address, most current mortgage statement to show joint ownership, most current car loan statement to show joint ownership, and 2013 tax return to show joint filing. My attorney throughout our whole process previously kept telling us "You all will have no problem with any of this because you have a child together and basically don't need any other proof" (we had our son right before we filed to change his status for a green card). In reading through this thread and others, now I am a little nervous I didn't include things like showing beneficiary information for various things, more statements for our accounts, more tax returns from prior years, etc. I guess our attorney's words kept sticking in my mind that we didn't need a lot. I'm hoping if what I sent in isn't sufficient they would just request to see more (which I have plenty of) and/or do an interview. Am I correct in thinking they would do that and not just deny him? I've started to become extremely anxious that I may have just ruined this whole application.

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