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Posts posted by spgv609

  1. Hello,

    I am gathering my AOS package to send together with the IV package for my husband's visa. I am getting my tax documents ready, and had a question on which transcript to use. When I log in to the IRS website to download transcripts, they have 4 options - Wage & Income Transcript, Account Transcript, Record of Account Transcript, Return Transcript - Which is the correct one?

    Also, I have filed my 2014 taxes, but it is not showing on the website yet, is it OK to just send in a copy of my W-2 and a copy of the return I sent to the IRS?

    One more, when it asks for 'Total Income', which line on my tax returns do I use?

    Wages, Salaries, Tips, Etc (line 7 on 1040)

    Total income (line 22 on 1040)

    Adjusted Gross Income (line 37 on 1040)

    I only ask because since I lived in a different country, my Wages, Salaries and Tips shows the foreign income I earned, but on Total Income and Adjusted Gross Income it says $0..


  2. Hello,

    I am at the point where I am filling out the AOS for my spouse. It asks for your adjusted gross income for the 3 most recent tax years. I know that in order to meet the income requirements, your income must be 125% of the poverty level. I meet this for the most recent tax year. But for the 2nd and 3rd most recent tax year, I was living and working abroad and so even though my income on my tax returns is above the poverty level, my adjusted gross income is $0 because I did not have any income earned in the US and therefor did not need to pay taxes on it. Do I have to meet the income requirement for all three years? Or just the most recent tax year?

    I'm wondering if that is going to go against me because according to just the AOS form, it looks like I had $0 income for 2nd and 3rd most recent years. Or, since my most recent tax year fulfills the requirement, will that be enough?

  3. Thanks! yeah I guess I was just confused because online it makes it seem like the next steps are done by the beneficiary but in the letter it made it seem like the next steps need to be done by the petitioner. But yeah i guess its going to be different for each couple, thanks for the help!

    If he is his own agent then can I still pay for the visa considering my bank account is in the US, or does the agent have to pay the fees?

  4. Hello,

    So I filed the I-130 for my husband, who is currently living in England, and this got approved. The letter I got in the mail was that the case would be forwarded to the NVC and "The NVC will contact the person for whom you are petitioning (beneficiary) concerning further immigrant visa processing." All good. My husband hadn't received anything and then yesterday, I got in the mail the NVC welcome letter. It now says 'We will work with you to complete your relative's immigrant visa case and schedule their visa interview.' So now it's up to me to finish the process? When I look online, they still use wording regarding the steps need to be taken by the beneficiary.. for example "Your first step is to choose an agent.

    Your agent will receive communication from the NVC about your case. You may act as your own agent or you may choose your petitioner, a family member, friend.."

    This wording makes it sound like they are speaking to the beneficiary..

    So my question is, who does the next steps? I thought that as the petitioner, I did the I-130 but now the beneficiary (my husband) needs to do the next steps like getting all the documents, actually filling out the immigrant visa form, etc. etc. Or do I need to do everything?


  5. Hello,

    I am finally ready to send my i-130 petition! I just want to double check that I have everything correct, so some advice would be great. My questions are in red

    Check for $420

    Cover letter

    Form G-1145

    Form I-130

    Continuation page for form i-130, signed and dated

    Form G-325A for petitioner, signed and dated (do i need 4 copies?)

    Continuation sheet for petitioner's G-325A, signed and dated

    Passport style photograph of petitioner, full name on back (is it just 1 or 2?)

    Form G-325A for beneficiary, signed and dated (do i need 4 copies?)

    Continuation sheet for beneficiary's G-325A, signed and dated

    Passport style photograph of beneficiary, full name on back (is it just 1 or 2? Also, his passport picture isn't a square ratio, I just cut it out so that it was, is that OK?) Should these be put in a bag with "photo of ___" stapled to a blank piece of paper?

    Copy of every page of unexpired US passport for petitioner

    Copy of US birth certificate for petitioner (both sides)

    Copy of marriage certificate for petitioner and beneficiary

    Copy of beneficiary birth certificates (both sides)

    Copy of every page of unexpired passport for beneficiary

    Copy of documentation showing co-mingling of resources:

    Copy of statement for joint bank account

    Copy of statement for joint council tax account

    Copy of statement for joint electricity account

    Copy of statement for joint water account

    Copy of apartment lease showing living together starting August 2012

    Copy of petitioner's current auto insurance showing beneficiary as named driver

    13 photos of beneficiary and petitioner in various vacations throughout relationship beginning November 2008

    2 photos of beneficiary and petitioner signing marriage certificate

    Copies of flight itineraries showing joint travel

    Copies of Skype transcripts showing phone calls since petitioner's move to US

    Thanks for your help and will I need more evidence? We have been dating for 5 years but only married less than 2 months.

    ALSO! I read somewhere that it is better to put the documents in one of those 2-hole clasps things at the top of the page (think of when you're at the doctors office and the pages in the file are clasped at the top). Or is just staples better?

  6. Hello,

    I was with my husband for 5.5 years before we got married last month. I am from the US and he is from the UK. We met in the UK and I had been living there for the last 4 years (the last 1.5 years with him) and I got a great job back in the US. We got married last month (June 2014) and I have since moved back to the US and we are now starting the visa process. I have the I-130 filled out, the G-325A for each of us filled out, passport sized pictures for each of us, My US passport scanned, his UK passport and birth certificate scanned, and of course a copy of our marriage certificate. Now I am thinking about supporting evidence for our relationship - I have lots of photos of us together and on various vacations spanning the 5.5 year relationship, I have joint bank account and joint bills from when we just lived together and I have receipts from flights to/from the UK and vacation bookings. However, these are all evidence from before our actual marriage date - is this OK? Since we only got married at the beginning of June and I moved back to the US at the end of June, we don't have much evidence of us since we've been officially married (we got married in the towns registry office, I have pictures of us signing the certificate). The only thing I really have is that picture of us signing the certificate and Skype conversations.

    My question is - does the evidence of the relationship need to be from the time we've been officially married? Or will the evidence I have which spans our 5.5 year relationship (even though we were not married during it) be OK? Is our case likely to be denied because our marriage is not even 1 month yet?


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